Thursday, August 1, 2024

Troop Elections Monday | Time Capsule! | Court of Honor Reminder

Hello Troop 1!

As a reminder, Troop elections are scheduled for Monday August 5.

If you are planning to run for a leadership position in the Troop, please come prepared to make your case for the position. If you are running for a position but will not be present, please prepare a written statement (2-3 sentences) that our Senior Patrol Leader or Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders can read on your behalf.

If you are planning to request an APPOINTED position, please contact me via email as I will not be at the meeting Monday.

  • Elected positions (entire Troop): Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Quartermaster, Scribe, Historian, Librarian, Chaplain's Aide, Bugler, Webmaster.
  • Elected positions (within your Patrol): Patrol Leader, Assistant Patrol Leader.
  • Appointed positions (agreed upon by Scoutmasters when Scouts express interest): Troop Guide, Den Chief, Instructor, OA Representative, Outdoor Ethics Guide.

Current leadership is listed on the Leadership and Patrols page of the Troop website. (This is highly likely to NOT be accurate: Scribe, please make sure we have an ACCURATE list of election results after the meeting! Thank you!)

Some cool Troop 1 history! A Time Capsule entry from 1998.

The Scouts in Troop 1 filled out this form at the Viking Council Spring Camporee in 1998. Scouts present at the event signed the form. It lists favorite activities, music and movies that were popular at the time, and their predictions for what would change in Scouting by 2023.

Since this form was filled, Viking Council merged into Northern Star Council. I'll note that many of the predictions Troop 1 made 25 years ago did not come to pass - we don't camp on the moon, and we don't have "hover tents" - but they DID correctly guess that Scouting would involve boys and girls, instead of boys-only as it was back then!

Please take a little time to read through the form. Some of it is cool and some is funny. If anyone knows what happened to any of the Scouts named, it would be great to have a follow-up - none are listed on our record of Troop 1 Eagle Scouts, but our list only goes back to 2014.

The form is linked above and was also added to the Troop 1 History page on our website.

Court of Honor - August 19, 6:30 PM, Minnehaha United Methodist Church.

This will be an epic Court of Honor as we have not held a CoH since March. We have 8 Scouts who earned a new rank, and we also have more than 70 Merit Badges to present to Scouts - so far! Scouts are working hard to wrap up last-minute advancement, but the deadline is approaching soon.

Please plan to turn in all advancement records (blue cards for Merit Badges) at Monday's meeting. If you need a Board of Review but have not yet spoken to our Advancement team, please contact Lacey Welter as soon as possible (