PLC Meeting, Monday 6:30-8:00pm, MMC
We'll be planning out the remaining meetings until June 14 campout. All Patrol Leaders and Assistant Patrols Should Attend.
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Ripley Rendezvous • May 17-19
Camp Ripley • Little Falls, MNWE NEED ANOTHER DRIVER!!!
Ripley Rendezvous 2019 will be held the Camp Ripley Army National Guard Training Facility, Camp Ripley, Little Falls, MN. This springtime event is truly a unique opportunity to utilize the training facility's ranges and buildings in presenting three distinct levels of involvement. This is a Jamboree style camp, so we'll be tenting and cooking in our site.
We have the following crew registered to attend.
View Current Registrations
Tomahawk SUMMER CAMP 2019 • July 27 - Aug 3
Tomahawk Scout Reservation • Chippewa Sub-Camp • Winnebago SitePayments can be made via check to Troop 1, or online at our cheddarup link.
If you're interested in any financial assistance, Northern Star Council provides Financial Assitance called "Camperships" to help offset camp expenses.
Campership request form *We've recently been made aware of some changes that will need to happen regarding the allocation of funds from item sales. More information regarding this will come out as soon as we have a full handle on policy.
We have these Scouts Registered: View Current Registrations
If you're not on this list but want to be, Sign Up NOW!
Adults interested in being at camp, even if for a day, please reach out and let me know. As always, those able to drive to and/or from camp, that'll be needed!
Currently, we have Corey Needleman, Conan Collopy, Tuesdae Collopy, and Janel Newell listed to be at camp.
Please fill in your name where if you can drive or pick up and the night's you'll be staying.
BWCA High Adventure 2019 • August 11-17
Sign up by May 7 . View Current Registrations
If we get enough adults, we can have up to 18 people divided up into two crews (think-patrols) of no more than 9 each.
Plan: Drive up on Sunday, August 11 & stay the night at the outfitter in Ely. August 12- On the water. August 17- off water & drive home.
Estimated cost $225/Person
Every Scout should keep 8 tent stakes in their pack. I like to keep my stakes in a nylon stake bag or a Tyvek envelope so they don't get lost or snag any material.There are a variety of tent stake styles. Avoid plastic stakes, they break, and get stuck in the ground. My favorites are the Triangle, "hog" style and aluminum hook style (pictured).
Tent stakes get lost and bent, but they can last for a while when Scouts care for them. They can be used for lots of things such as tarps, etc. Out troop tents do not have stakes.
Some places to shop for gear:
Brick & Mortar: REI, Repair Lair (experienced gear), Midwest Mountaineering, LL Bean, Cabelas, Scout Shop (sometimes they have really good deals, often over-priced), even non-specialty big-box stores like Walmart & Target have a lot of decent gear.
We need you - Become an Adult Volunteer
There are two streams for adult participation: Scoutmaster Corps & Committee.If you want to wear the uniform and interact with the scouts, participating in events, campouts, and troop meetings, Scoutmaster Corps is for you. If you'd like to camp occasionally, but really would rather be involved in more of the "business side" of things, troop Committee Membership is your jam.
We want you to get involved in the troop operations, we need your help. Providing opportunities for scouts requires a fair amount of behind the scenes work from adults. Whether its help with one event to more of continual volunteer commitment, we have room for you! Whatever level of assistance you're able to commit to, we'll find a spot for you. You don't have to have any experience, you just have to have to be willing. Reach out to our committee chair, Peter Edstrom, and let him know you're interested.
We'll continue to have troop Meetings and do activities throughout the summer.
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Make your own luck. "Luck is when opportunity meets with preparation." – SenecaOnce upon a time, a former Troop 1 Scout (an Eagle Scout who graduates college next year) had an unfortunate bike accident. He was riding home when a drivers-side car door suddenly opened and he smashed into it a near full speed. He got "doored." He went to the hospital. An arm was broken and the bike was broken. The doctor insisted that the Scout was lucky he'd been wearing a helmet. The Scout was not amused with the Doctor's suggestion that he was in any way "lucky." He told the Doc that he was unlucky. He now had a broken bike, a broken arm (and this wouldn't make playing his violin any easier), and had to break other plans because he was hanging out in the ER instead. He told the Doctor was wearing his helmet on purpose, there was no luck there. He was fortunate he wasn't more severely injured because he'd taken the precaution to wear a helmet but was unlucky that he needed to use it.
I continue to tell the PLC there is a difference between planning and preparation. Nobody is planning on a bike accident but we can be prepared for one and wear a safety helmet. As the Scout Motto instructs us, "Be Prepared."