We'll be starting to work with First Aid Rank Requirements as well as First Aid MB. We'll continue working on some knots: Bowline, Clove hitch, Taut-line hitch, Two half hitches. We'll continue looking at the new patrol cookbooks, picking out some potential menu items for our next campout - in October. Patrols will be using these for at least one menu item on each campout. If you're interested you can view the Troop 1 Patrol Cookbook here.
Upcoming Schedule:
We will NOT be Camping 9/14-9/16...
Fall Camporee, Oct 12-14 - Register Here
Urban Adventure: Any interested scouts over 14 years old:
This Saturday, Sept 15. Registration due by Thursday 9/12
This is a fun event. Troop 1 had some scouts win this quest a few years ago.
Popcorn Kickoff Event! Also this Saturday at Base Camp.
This looks like a great time, its free. There are many of the usually awesome Base Camp things and a Back to the Future DeLorean will also be on site. Even some merit badges...
Cycling MB
If your scout is interested in Cycling MB, have them get a blue card from me. Mr. Hartford went over many of the introductory requirements and many of you have been taking some of the required length rides. It'd be fun to complete the 50 together, I think Liam worked on his ride yesterday; Way to go!
Program Focus: Ropework and First Aid
We are working on some of the basics this fall with knots, lashings and first aid. Many of the activities will satisfy requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class as well as some
Scoutmaster's Minute:
Allegory of the Long Spoons
A Scout is Loyal. A Scout is Helpful. A Scout is Kind.
As B-P famously said, "The real way to gain happiness is to give it to others."