Troop Meeting Monday, 6:30pm
bring your bike & Helmet (BSA rules)We have a few activities planned at MUMC for the beginning 30 minutes or so but plan to take a short ride at least and do some introductory Cycling Merit Badge things. If you’re in interested in reviewing cycling merit badge pamphlet check the link below but don’t be afraid to check out the hard copy from the troop library or purchase one from the new scout shop at Base Camp.Elections
Congrats to Everett and the previous leadership team for setting up a solid plan for the next 6 months and running a great summer camp. Our new leadership team will be in place for the next quarter (Aug., Sept., Oct.).Many Positions or Responsibility (PoR) are available - descriptions are linked in the attachment. If your scout is not currently in a PoR and is interested or in need for rank advancement, have him talk to Beni and me. Patrols will elect Assistant Patrol Leaders, as well as monthly Quartermasters and Grubmasters - these are vital to a well functioning patrol but do not count toward rank advancements.
New Velcro Tradition
If you are in a PoR, please get the appropriate patch from the Scout shop.
Unfortunately, the troop's patches were stolen and we don't have anymore coupled with our financial constraints if everybody picked up their own patch it'd be a big help.
What I'd like to do is provide velcro for your left uniform arm (fuzzy side) and for the back of the patch (sticky side). Then we can simply remove it and hand it to the next scout at the end of your term. I also have these velcro pieces in rank patch size (particularly useful for Scout through First Class) Let's give it our best try anyway.
Upcoming Events:
Saturday, Aug. 11- Car Wash Fundraiser (VERY IMPORTANT!!!) Oxendale's Market, 10-2 bring a sponge, towels and a bucket if you can (Class B)
- Monday, Aug 13 - Troop Meeting (more cycling)
- Saturday, Aug 18 - Bike Ride 8am at MUMC (Class B)
Donovann B. for receiving his Eagle Scout award. It was great to have so many Troop 1 scouts at his Court of Honor on Wednesday. Eagle Scout truly is the Ph.D. of boyhood and we hope you'll continue to serve as a shining example of Scouting in our Troop.
Troop 1 Website •
If there are things you'd like available on the troop website, let me know. Alternatively, if you have Website expertise, interest and a bit of time, let me know that as well. I'm trying to get the website useful as both a reference for current membership and recruiting tool for future members - it needs to be something a Scout can manage (Webmaster) but not necessarily need to be much of a content creator for. And for those of you on Facebook, there is a Troop 1 BSA facebook group, please join - we can use that as a comms tool as well.
Scoutmaster Minute
Last week I asked you to imagine you had a magic bank account that deposited $86,400 every day and if you didn't spend it all you couldn't save it until tomorrow; each day you'd get a new $86,400 and that's it. Knowing you get more money every day, if somebody took $30 or $60 would you worry about it? How about $500? If somebody took some of your daily money would you just give them the rest of it? Well, you have a special account with something more valuable than money - it is time. You get a magical 86,400 seconds every day. If somebody does something that puts you in a very bad mood and/or takes some of your time to introduce negativity, draw your Scout Spirit and don't forfeit more time than required. Let it go. Be cheerful, be helpful, be kind and courteous but move on.
Scoutmaster Minute
Last week I asked you to imagine you had a magic bank account that deposited $86,400 every day and if you didn't spend it all you couldn't save it until tomorrow; each day you'd get a new $86,400 and that's it. Knowing you get more money every day, if somebody took $30 or $60 would you worry about it? How about $500? If somebody took some of your daily money would you just give them the rest of it? Well, you have a special account with something more valuable than money - it is time. You get a magical 86,400 seconds every day. If somebody does something that puts you in a very bad mood and/or takes some of your time to introduce negativity, draw your Scout Spirit and don't forfeit more time than required. Let it go. Be cheerful, be helpful, be kind and courteous but move on.