Our quarterly Court of Honor is Monday. The Program will start at 7pm. Scouts will prepare for the event from 6:30-7. Scouts should be in their best uniforms, and remember to bring a treat to share! Representatives from the Order of the Arrow will also be there to conduct an election ceremony.
Pancake Results
As you may have heard, our Pancake Breakfast was a big success bringing $1,000 for the Troop! Thanks to everybody who worked, promoted, attended and otherwise contributed! Big props to Eddie McDonald for coordinating the event!
SUMMER CAMP 2019 • July 27 - Aug 3
Tomahawk Scout Reservation • Chippewa Sub-Camp • Winnebago Site
ALL SCOUTS are highly encouraged to attend. This is the highlight of summer!
Arrow of Light & new Scouts are HIGHLY encouraged to attend!!! There is a special first-year program designed just for you called "Brownsea Island"!
Cost: $307/Scout; $130/Adult.
Financial Assitance "Camperships" are available to help offset expenses.
Sign Up for your Summer Camp Programs NOW!
Tomahawk PROGRAM CATALOG. ONLINE - Program Sign-up due March 26
Merit Badges & Troop Activities.
OLDER SCOUTS - Apostle Islands Sea Kayaking, Sign up Here:
This program is for older scouts; all participants must be age 14 by September 1st to participate. They must be prepared for the physical demands of a high adventure trek. This is a great adventure for the Werewolf Patrol!
The Sea Kayaking Program in the Apostle Islands is the top tier of Tomahawk High Adventure. This trip is 5 days long. Scouts spend 4 nights on 3 different islands. Sign up is open for only 12 participants. 9 spots remain.
Ripley Rendezvous • May 17-19
Camp Ripley • Little Falls, MN
Ripley Rendezvous 2019 will be held the Camp Ripley Army National Guard Training Facility, Camp Ripley, Little Falls, MN. This springtime event is truly a unique opportunity to utilize the training facility's ranges and buildings in presenting three distinct levels of involvement. This is a Jamboree style camp, so we'll be tenting and cooking in our site.
View the Flyer Here -
Cost: $50/ea.
Sign Up Here by March 26
Tomahawk Scout Reservation • Chippewa Sub-Camp • Winnebago Site
ALL SCOUTS are highly encouraged to attend. This is the highlight of summer!
Arrow of Light & new Scouts are HIGHLY encouraged to attend!!! There is a special first-year program designed just for you called "Brownsea Island"!
Cost: $307/Scout; $130/Adult.
Financial Assitance "Camperships" are available to help offset expenses.
Sign Up for your Summer Camp Programs NOW!
Tomahawk PROGRAM CATALOG. ONLINE - Program Sign-up due March 26
Merit Badges & Troop Activities.
OLDER SCOUTS - Apostle Islands Sea Kayaking, Sign up Here:
This program is for older scouts; all participants must be age 14 by September 1st to participate. They must be prepared for the physical demands of a high adventure trek. This is a great adventure for the Werewolf Patrol!
The Sea Kayaking Program in the Apostle Islands is the top tier of Tomahawk High Adventure. This trip is 5 days long. Scouts spend 4 nights on 3 different islands. Sign up is open for only 12 participants. 9 spots remain.
Ripley Rendezvous • May 17-19
Camp Ripley • Little Falls, MN
Ripley Rendezvous 2019 will be held the Camp Ripley Army National Guard Training Facility, Camp Ripley, Little Falls, MN. This springtime event is truly a unique opportunity to utilize the training facility's ranges and buildings in presenting three distinct levels of involvement. This is a Jamboree style camp, so we'll be tenting and cooking in our site.
View the Flyer Here -
Cost: $50/ea.
Sign Up Here by March 26
We could send two crews if we get more adults to commit. https://goo.gl/forms/7w8UqUXIMTiorjds2

If we get enough adults, we can have up to 18 people divided up into two crews (think-patrols) of no more than 9 each.
Plan: Drive up on Sunday, August 11 & stay the night at the outfitter in Ely. August 12- On the water. August 17- off water & drive home.
Estimated cost $225/Person
Not all "trail-worthy" gear is specialty outdoor equipment.
Because a Scout is thrifty, looking for inexpensive yet functional equipment is a micro-hobby of mine.
I purchased my IKEA travel towel set a couple years ago while they were on sale, but even at $10, it is a good deal. These really absorb water, don't weigh much (until wet), dry relatively quickly and are just about perfect for scout needs. The set includes a washcloth, and a good sized towel.
Scout Accounts & Paying for Camps
NSC provides Financial Assitance called "Camperships" to help offset camp expenses.
Campership request form *We've recently been made aware of some changes that will need to happen regarding the allocation of funds from item sales. More information regarding this will come out as soon as we have a full handle on policy.
Carwash Coordinator
The committee is seeking an adult to coordinate a carwash fundraiser after it warms up this spring and maybe again in summer. If you're interested let committee chair, Peter Edstrom, know.
BSA Troop 1 Facebook Group
For those of you on Facebook, feel please join our closed group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/mnt3001/
Upcoming Schedule
Mar 25 - Court of Honor
March 26 - SIGN-UP DEADLINE: Ripley Rendezvous, Tomahawk Summer Camp,
Mar 30 - Mini-Harvest Service 7:30-9
Mar 30 - Scouting University - SIGN UP HERE
April 1 - NO MTG (Spring Break)
April 7 - (Sun) PLC
April 8 - (Mon) PLC pt. 2
April 14 - (Sun) Pack 1 Crossover / Blue & Gold at Base Camp
April 15 - Troop Meeting
April 1 - NO MTG (Spring Break)
April 7 - (Sun) PLC
April 8 - (Mon) PLC pt. 2
April 14 - (Sun) Pack 1 Crossover / Blue & Gold at Base Camp
April 15 - Troop Meeting
Subscribe to the Troop 1 Google Calendar
Scoutmaster's Minute
There is an old saying, "The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step."
There's a lesson for us in that saying. I've spent a lot of time and of miles walking in the backcountry; many of those miles have been with some of you. Sometimes we can see the destination we are heading to off in the distance, sometimes there are mountain ranges and forests and lakes in the way so, we have to use our map and compass, and trust our orienteering skills.
Whatever the goal you set for yourself, remember that only you can take that first step toward it. No one can do it for you - though we may try an encourage you. Once you've taken that first step, the next step will become easier after that step you'll notice the distance of travel has gotten shorter.
If you come to troop meetings without ever looking in your Scout Handbook and are never asking how to do things you don't know how to do - be it tying knots, starting fires, lashing poles, orienting a map, or if you never get somebody to help you with your fitness tests, or ask who to see about a merit badge, you won't advance far in Scouting.
In Scouting, and in life, the rewards don't come to those who sit back and wait for something to be handed to them on a silver platter (or a plastic frisbee). I would like to see every one of you set the Eagle Scout rank as your goal in Scouting.
As a step toward that goal, I hope that all of you will set a goal for recognition and advancement by our next Court of Honor, in June.
Take that step and the ones after that will continue to get easier because you'll have momentum and be well on the way along the Scouting trail.