We're working on cleaning out the closet. Any scout can attend to help, but the PLC wanted to get this job done as well as stick to our "no meetings on holidays" policy. We're not in uniform tomorrow, wear work clothes, and we're meeting a little earlier to try and get the job done! It's a copacetic solution.
Snow Base • Feb 22-24, 2019
Tomahawk Scout Reservation
• Meet at MUMC on Friday Night at 5:30pm we need to be on the road by 6:00.
• Eat Dinner in advance or bring one for the car ride. It's about a 2 1/2 hour drive to Tomahawk. It's a good idea to have something non-electronic to do while on the car-rides, you might want to pack a small daypack with a snack and/or car activity like a book & headlamp.
• Basic Schedule for the Weekend
Please review the Equipment Packing List; we are participating in the Snow Huskies program. Please be certain to bring non-cotton long underwear and a winter jacket/shell.
• Gear List - View What's provided and what you need to bring (not much!)
• Scouts will travel in Uniform.
• There is a trading post if you'd like a souvenir they'll have some for purchase. All participants will get a patch.
• The phone number at Tomahawk Scout Reservation for emergencies is 651-252-4776. Please understand Scouts are spread out during the program and it can take up to an hour to get a Scout to the camp land line.
Reptile Amphibian Discovery Zoo • Mar 9-10, 2019
Saturday Morning until Sunday Morning. Saturday we'll spend the day hiking and then head to RAD Zoo for supper, evening program and sleeping (indoors - bring a sleeping pad). The cost is $38. Reptile and Amphibian Study MB pamphlet. You may want to read it if you're going for the MB. Here's a helpful worksheet.
Saturday Morning until Sunday Morning. Saturday we'll spend the day hiking and then head to RAD Zoo for supper, evening program and sleeping (indoors - bring a sleeping pad). The cost is $38. Reptile and Amphibian Study MB pamphlet. You may want to read it if you're going for the MB. Here's a helpful worksheet.
We need a total of at least 18 for RAD to host the program. - we're currently at 13.
Arrow of Light Scouts are welcome to attend.
Sign Up • https://goo.gl/forms/BDEaB3qgl3MUIfZq1
Grey Wolf Youth National Youth Leadership Training
Each year Troop 1 is able to send 1-2 scouts to a week-long youth leadership camp run by the council. As a youth, I attended and later staffed a similar NYLT back in IL, called Thunderbird (it's the course Grey Wolf is based on). Ask Zach Jones about Grey Wolf, it's very good!
Grey Wolf National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is a one-week program held in June and July, it replicates the first three weeks of typical unit operations, including patrol leader's council meetings, troop/crew meetings, patrol meetings, and planning for a big event.
Becoming a better leader is the theme, but many aspects apply to daily life. You'll need the desire to make a long-term commitment to master the skills and tools to benefit our troop. Grey Wolf NYLT is unlike any other Scout camp you've attended. You won't work on merit badges, advancement, or have daily swims. You'll play a lot of games, sing songs, and do fun activities that promote team-building. Get ready for a fast-paced week and prepare to learn for yourself and for the benefit of Troop 1.
Nominations are due soon. Scouts must be First Class Rank or above and need to be at least 14 years of age, or 13 and have completed 8th grade.
Fill out Interest Here <https://goo.gl/forms/Ulro7kwFeRAnplPP2>
Despite a few scouts talking to me about it, nobody has filled out interest form!!! Due Feb 26.
Paying for Camps - Scout Accounts & Cheddar Up
Most often camping costs can be deducted from your scout account, which scouts fill up through fundraising (wreath and popcorn sales). If you're not sure of your scout account balance, reach out to the troop treasurer, Jen Newberg <troop1.mpls.treasurer@gmail.com>Vote for a New Council Patch
To reflect the recent program changes NSC's move to Base Camp at Fort Snelling, our council adopted a new, updated logo for Northern Star Scouting. That means it's time for a new council shoulder strip, and they want to hear from you!
Scouting Mobile App
BSA’s Information Technology Group, along with many volunteer beta testers, are excited to announce the new Scouting mobile app, which is now available for both iPhone and Android devices.
BSA Troop 1 Facebook Group
For those of you on Facebook, feel please join our closed group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/mnt3001/
Upcoming Schedule
Feb 18 - No Regular Troop Meeting (PLC clean out closet)
Feb 22-24 - Snow Base at Tomahawk
Feb 25 - Troop Meeting (Pinewood Derby Workshop / help pack)
Mar 4 - Troop Meeting
March 9-10 RAD Zoo
Merit Badges
What are they? MBs are a secondary area of the Scouts BSA advancement program. Unlike ranks, there is a degree of choice in the merit badge program. A sub-group of merit badges are known as "Eagle required" merit badges. To earn Eagle Scout, most of these badges must be earned although some are "either/or" badges. To earn Eagle scouts also have to earn some merit badge they choose. And there's a merit badge for almost everything - heres a full list.
Where to earn a Merit Badge?
Once you have a blue card from your Scoutmaster, call or contact a counselor on your own. You can find a counselor list via Scoutbook or ask me.
Go to a Merit Badge class at Scoutmaster Bucky or The North Star Scouting Museum or at Scouting University (March 30 - look for info soon).
Scoutmaster's Minute
Way back in the 1968 Olympics, Bob Beamon set a long-jump record that many thought would never be broken, but eventually, it was. A young boxer named George Foremen won a gold medal and paraded around the ring with an American flag, instilling pride in many Americans. But, one athlete named John Stephen Akhwari from Tanzania, a marathon runner, probably made the longest lasting impression on people during those Olympics.
While he was running his race, he stumbled and fell, severely injuring his knee and ankle. After receiving first aid, he did what no one expected and he got back in the race. Long after everyone else had finished and left, he limped into the near-empty stadium to the cheers of a small crowd that was still there and he finished his final lap.
When asked why he continued the race after he was so badly hurt with no chance to win he replied: "My country did not send me 7,000 miles to begin a race - they sent me to finish the race".
Does each of you accept responsibility to finish a task when you start one or do you take the easy way out when the going gets tough? Do you keep your promises when you make them, even the ones you make to yourself? A person who doesn't keep their word will not be respected and will not be trusted. What kind of person do you want to be remembered as?
Go to a Merit Badge class at Scoutmaster Bucky or The North Star Scouting Museum or at Scouting University (March 30 - look for info soon).
Scoutmaster's Minute
Way back in the 1968 Olympics, Bob Beamon set a long-jump record that many thought would never be broken, but eventually, it was. A young boxer named George Foremen won a gold medal and paraded around the ring with an American flag, instilling pride in many Americans. But, one athlete named John Stephen Akhwari from Tanzania, a marathon runner, probably made the longest lasting impression on people during those Olympics.
While he was running his race, he stumbled and fell, severely injuring his knee and ankle. After receiving first aid, he did what no one expected and he got back in the race. Long after everyone else had finished and left, he limped into the near-empty stadium to the cheers of a small crowd that was still there and he finished his final lap.
When asked why he continued the race after he was so badly hurt with no chance to win he replied: "My country did not send me 7,000 miles to begin a race - they sent me to finish the race".
Does each of you accept responsibility to finish a task when you start one or do you take the easy way out when the going gets tough? Do you keep your promises when you make them, even the ones you make to yourself? A person who doesn't keep their word will not be respected and will not be trusted. What kind of person do you want to be remembered as?