Troop Meeting Monday, 11/12 6:30-8:00
Please bring back your tents!!! Please make sure they're dry...
Tomorrow night will be a bit of a gear night. The PLC has decided on a need to make sure our tents are squared away. Getting ready for the last campout we found a lot of tents missing, parts missing, etc.
PLC has planned that Troop Meetings Nov 19, Nov 26, Dec 3 will focus on scouts working on a merit badge for a portion of the meeting. You may have work to do outside of meeting time to complete the merit badge you select. The three Merit Badges being offered will be Plumbing, American Heritage, and Law. Sign-ups will be at Monday's meeting.
Pancake Breakfast Recap
Thanks to all who came out to help with and/or invited people to the Pancake breakfast this morning. We made about $500. We served about 100 people. Several Armed Services veterans that came through the line, it was nice to offer them a free meal; most made a donation anyway. Thanks to all the scouts and adults that made the event a success.
Wreath pick-up is Next Saturday
8am-10am Northrup Elementary School
4315 S 31st Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55406
All scouts who ordered wreaths MUST show up. If you cannot attend, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to pre-arrange for someone to pick up your wreaths. We will not hold any wreaths if you don't show up. The troop will sort and organize all wreaths the first 60-90 minutes. No one will leave until all wreaths are sorted.
Please Fill out this form Everett sent today regarding your plans:
Board Game Camp is quickly approaching!!!
Dec 14-16
Sign-up here. We'll be at Kiwanis Scout Camp, staying in two bunkhouses: Otter and Wolverine. Be thinking of the games you'll bring and what you'd like to eat! Typically, menus have relied on easy meals so the focus can be on board games. We'll be leaving electronic games in MPLS for the weekend and spend time with some long and short form games. Its a great time for D&D, Risk, Catan, Monopoly, Exploding Kittens, even simple games like 21, and who can drink their hot cocoa slower. We've even had game boards merged and new rules created. Perhaps somebody should bring a game design merit badge pamphlet with them!
Upcoming Schedule
Nov 12: Troop Meeting
Nov 17: Wreath Pick-Up 8am-10am Northrup School
Nov 19 - Troop Meeting
Nov 26 - Troop Meeting
Dec 3 - Troop Meeting
Dec 10 - Last day to register for Board Game Camp / Menu Planning
Scoutmaster's Minute
This idea comes from a speech I heard tonight from KSTP sports reporter, Joe Schmit.
He was talking about the "silent impact" we make on our others. As Scouts, we abide by a code, to which we've pledged our honor: the Scout Oath, and the Scout Law. If you look around, you'll notice, Scouts often lead by example, even when they're not in uniform. Sometimes they lead from the front, sometimes they lead from behind. We try our best to do what's right, when its right, even if nobody's looking because we're not acting out of a need for recognition.
Joe said, "We make our biggest impressions when we're not trying to be impressive." And I thought "I've seen scouts do that 1000 times." Regardless, remember you always leave an impression, and because you abide by the Scout Oath and the Scout Law, its probably an impressive one, even if you're not trying.