Troop Meeting Monday, 10/29 6:30-8pm
We'll be assessing some gear (tents & patrol boxes), making menus for camp, figuring out what the patrols will be, etc. Also, we'll be having elections for the PORs of our next Quarter. If you're unfamiliar with the PoRs, check here.
Halloween Party Recap
Thanks for everybody's effort to make the Halloween Party concessions a success! It takes teamwork to make the dream work and it seems to have happened once again. For any adults that were helping, if you'd like to help improve the system for next year, please write down any realizations, opinions, observations or suggestions, it’ll help us improve for the future. Simply send me, or Committee Chair Peter Edstrom, an email and the ideas will get to the committee for the Knowledge Base on our Troop 1 website.
Fall Camp
Tomorrow is the last day to Register for Fall Camp which is this coming weekend.
This will be a low-key camp. We'll be camping OUTSIDE near Deckenback Lodge. We'll enjoy leading some program with the Pack 1 Cub Scouts and helping the Arrow of Lights build a campfire. We'll hopefully be doing some pioneering as well.
Pack 1 is staying at their usual Heritage and Gagner Lodges. The Troop is by Deckenback.
If you have siblings in Pack 1, you can ride up and back with your family, but please plan to stay with the Troop both nights. Also, I will need to know your travel plans by tomorrow so I can make certain we have adequate seatbelts and room to get everybody and our gear to camp.
Here is a Map of Stearns so you can see the proximity of Pack and Troop camps. There will be a separate email later this week with details specifically for camp.
Scouts currently registered:
- Nick Moore
- Soren Lewandowski
- Ellis Newberg
- Theo Holdsworth
- Liam McDonald
- Alex Barber
- Will Newell
- Lucien Randolph-Tarrant
- Aidan Guiney
- Oliver Needleman
- Everett Needleman
Many scouts have been helping with various Eagle Projects and other things. Be sure to write your service hours in your scout handbook and get them signed. We are often collecting service hours and there will likely be another hour or two at camp. If you're looking for more, Dan Edmondson our District Executive is looking for scouts to help him sort popcorn on Nov. 14. He can be reached at
Upcoming Schedule
Oct 29. Troop Meeting (last day to register for Fall Camp)
Nov 2-4: Fall Camp at Stearns
Nov. 5: PLC Meeting - No Regular Troop meeting (New PLC)Nov 11: Pancake Breakfast at MUMC 7:00-12:00 - SIGN UP HERE
Nov 12: Troop Meeting
Nov 17: Wreath Pick-Up 8am-10am Northrup School
Scoutmaster Minute
Crickets are interesting creatures. They're only an inch long yet they can be heard throughout the forest by rubbing their wings together. One can tell the temperature by listening to crickets. On warm nights, they chirp faster than on cool nights. If you count the number of chirps in 15 seconds and add 40 to it you'll get the temperature. I like to think about why crickets chirp. It's their way of saying "Here I Am".
Like crickets, each one of us has ways of saying "Here I Am". Some say it through sports, some in music, some in reading, some in art. One way we all say "Here I Am" is through Scouting. When you wear your uniform you are showing everyone what you stand for, that you have ideals you try to live by as defined by the Scout Law, and importantly, that you know it's important to be the best person you can. I think one of the best ways to say "Here I Am" is by working hard, being kind, and being cheerful.
Next time you hear a cricket, try to remember he is saying "Here I Am" and think how you are saying "Here I Am" in your life.