We'll be holding a fun back-to-school meeting at MUMC. We'll be working on some knots: Bowline, Clove hitch, Taut-line hitch, Two half hitches. We'll be looking at the new patrol cookbooks, picking out some potential menu items for our next campout. Patrols will be using these for at least one menu item on each campout.
If you're interested you can view the Troop 1 Patrol Cookbook here.
Upcoming Schedule:
No meeting next Monday 9/3, Labor Day.
Meeting 9/10 - 6:30 MUMC
Camping 9/14-9/16... Valleyfair plans A-C have fallen through. That's ok, we can camp elsewhere though no reservations have been made...yet. As it turns out, this weekend is one of the few campouts I will be unable to attend this year. I don't want to make reservations for a simple back-to-the-woods type camp unless we have YPT adults ASMS / Committee able to attend. If you think you can make it, please reach out to me directly and I'll book a campsite asap. Otherwise, per the PLC we'll schedule something else in Sept. Maybe a 50 miler bike ride?
Cycling MB
If your scout is interested in Cycling MB, have them get a blue card from me. Mr. Hartford went over many of the introductory requirements and many of you have been taking some of the required length rides. It'd be fun to complete the 50 together.
Program Focus: Ropework and First Aid
We are working on some of the basics this fall with knots, lashings and first aid. Many of the activities will satisfy requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class as well as some
Scoutmaster's Minute:
It is said that the Chinese Bamboo Tree begins as a nut, a hard nut, about the size of a walnut. The nut has to be planted in soil and then watered and fertilized every day, every day for 5 years before it finally breaks through the ground. If at any time the watering or fertilizing process is stopped, the Chinese Bamboo Tree will die in the ground. But, in that fifth year, the Chinese Bamboo Tree finally breaks through the ground and in six weeks it grows nearly ninety feet tall! Now, the question is, did it grow ninety feet in six weeks or 5 years? The answer is obvious — It took five years. Five years of watering and fertilizing every day to make it happen.
Think about your school year, and your year ahead in scouts. What's your bamboo tree? What are you going to do to nurture it, every day?