Hello Troop 1! Forwarding a message from Finn:
Hey Troop 1 it’s Finn N, as I said last night I would love your help at my Eagle Scout project of building cat scratchers this weekend on Saturday March 1st at the church (MUMC). I’m going to have two shifts from 9-11 AM (morning shift) and 1-3 PM (afternoon shift), with 9-11 being assembly of the scratcher and 1-3 being sanding the sides of the scratcher and clean up. On the morning shift if you are able to bring a hammer, an electric sander, and you might want work gloves. If you had to only sign up for one shift then please sign up for the morning shift, 9-11, because if enough people (15 or so) are able to sign up we might not need to do much or any at all in the afternoon. If we don’t get enough people in the morning then in the after noon you would want to also have work gloves and just in case we still need to put some together, If you are able to bring a hammer and a electric sander sanding. I will bring snacks for everyone who can help!
Thank you!
If you are able to help, please do! Remember, helping with an Eagle project counts as service hours.