Monday, February 24, 2025

Communications Merit Badge tonight | Service and Fundraising this weekend

Hello Troop 1!


The Troop is working on Communication Merit Badge. For those who have not yet earned this badge, please come ready to take part in the discussion. Mr. Towle has asked that you review the requirements prior to the meeting. For those who have done work on this in the past, remember to bring your blue card.

For Scouts who worked on Snow Sports MB at Trollhaugen: Please bring your blue cards tonight so that I can sign off on that Merit Badge as well!


Need some service hours? Finn is looking for help with his Eagle Project on Saturday March 1. He is confirming location and will send an invitation out tomorrow. Tentatively looking for support from 9-11AM and 1-3PM Saturday.

Have you signed up to help with the Pancake Breakfast? Sunday March 2, we need all hands on deck to help make it a success! If you have not signed up for a shift yet, please do so ASAP! Here is the link to sign up for a shift.