Fundraiser Kickoff / Parent Meeting / Troop Meeting • Monday, 6:30-8:00pm • MUMC

Hopefully, you received Melissa Barber's email earlier today. We will be holding our fundraiser kickoff informational meeting from 6:30-7:15 which will be followed by a more general topic parent information meeting held with the troop committee. Scouts and Parents should make every attempt to attend.
Additionally, Scouts attending the Camporee will finish menu planning.
Metro Lakes Fall Camporee 2019: The Quest for the Scoutly Grail
Where: Stearns Scout Camp
When: September 27, 28, 29
When: September 27, 28, 29
Activities: A series of challenges to test your worthiness of the Grail
We need a couple of ASMs or Committee adults to attend and drive.
Unfortunately, Scoutmaster Needleman will NOT be available for this campout.
Registration Due Monday Sept 23, 10pm - No exceptions
See who else is going View Current Registrations
Upcoming Schedule
Submissions are due by the Oct 7 Meeting.
All scouts are welcome to participate.
Will we be backpacking Isle Royale or on the Superior Hiking Trail? Will we be whitewater rafting in Colorado? Will we be Dog Sledding in winter the BWCA? Will we be riding bicycles to St. Louis? Will we be kayaking the Apostle Islands?
What's your idea? Each idea needs some roughed out details/plan and a Scout to "sponsor" further research.
All scouts are welcome to participate.
Will we be backpacking Isle Royale or on the Superior Hiking Trail? Will we be whitewater rafting in Colorado? Will we be Dog Sledding in winter the BWCA? Will we be riding bicycles to St. Louis? Will we be kayaking the Apostle Islands?
What's your idea? Each idea needs some roughed out details/plan and a Scout to "sponsor" further research.
FYI - The current plan is to put in for a Philmont 2021 high-adventure. We will also do a SHT trip in '21 for Philmont crew training and another crew for everybody else.
BSA Troop 1 Facebook Group
For those of you on Facebook, feel please join our closed group.
Gear Spotlight: Ditty Bags
Every camper knows keeping your gear in order is critically important. A great way to help keep gear organized is to keep it gathered and stored in its "set" place. Ditty bags are one way to do this effectively. They come in many shapes and sizes, anybody that has seen my pack, knows I use everything from snack-sized ziplocks to 5x7 Tyvek envelopes, 3x6 mesh bags with zippers or drawcords, to small 8x8 stuff saks. They all look different, and they all consistently hold the same stuff so I know where my compass, extra batteries, tent stakes, or lighter. I know which ones I have with me for each trip and therefore I know where my stuff is for quick access, easy packing and effective organization.
Scoutmaster Minute: Tigger or Eeyore
When you think of "Tigger", what comes to mind? What is he like? (happy, silly, energetic, positive, not too smart, carefree, ...)
When you think of "Eeyore", what comes to mind? (sad, slow, dejected, pessimistic)
When anything happens, Eeyore expects the worst. He expects the weather to be rainy, the shelter to be uncomfortable, the hike to be too long, the water to be too warm and the food too cold. He sets his expectations way low so he is seldom disappointed, but then he has nothing to look forward to.
Tigger, on the other hand, sees fun and adventure in everything. He hops rather than walk, jumps rather than run, and bounces rather than sit still. He sees the rainbow through the clouds, notices something new at every step of a hike, and believes every minute of life is a gift to enjoy. He may not think things through, but he is always looking ahead to the next adventure.
So, who are you? Are you more of an Eeyore, plodding through life, sure that school will be hard, friends will be few, and there won't be much fun to do on the weekend? Or are you like Tigger, ready to make every task a game, every day an adventure, and every challenge an opportunity?