PLC Meeting Monday, 11/5 6:30-8pm (No Troop Meeting)
With our New PLC, we'll finish meeting plans through Dec. and work on planning board game Camp.
Our Pancake breakfast is coming up next Sunday.
Sign up for a Pancake Breakfast shift.
PATROLS Before elections last week, the scouts shuffled up the patrols. I think this is how they were settled. Of course, some adjuments will likely be made. We are going to push for patrol flags and patrol patches by December. PATROL LISTS
Fall Camp
It was fun and pretty laid back overall, there was weather, we met the Pack 1 for their evening campfire, and we were able to do the high COPE course at Stearns! Thanks to everybody for helping to make transportation work. Thanks to Conan Collopy from Crew 3309. Pictures coming soon.
Lost & Found
We have a few stray items from camp that need claimed. They'll be at the next troop meeting. Also, we have one scout looking for a pair of Merrill brand boots. If you ended up with those please let me know.
If you have a troop tent, please dry it and return it ASAP. We need to go through the tents for some repairs.
As the holidays approach, if you participate in gift-giving, never overlook the joy of an upgraded sleeping bag, backpack, a tent, or other camping items your scout might enjoy.
In the coming weeks, I'll send out a list of some little and bigger things I recommend for gear. If you have any questions, I'm happy to try and help.
Be sure to be writing your campouts and your service hours in the back of your handbooks. Also, always bring your handbook to meetings and campouts...we're often working on advancement items.
Upcoming Schedule
Nov 11: Pancake Breakfast at MUMC 7:00-12:00 - SIGN UP HERE
Nov 12: Troop Meeting
Nov 17: Wreath Pick-Up 8am-10am Northrup School