Troop Meeting Monday 6:30-8:00pm, MMC
We will be having a regular Troop Meeting on Monday.The Court of Honor has been postponed until next Monday 6/17.
This will allow for Boards of Review, as well as have time for camp menu planning.
Car Wash Success!!!

If you're interested in setting one up, please let me know.
Honestly, this is a relatively easy fundraiser for us, as we've done it a bunch of times and have adults that know how to do it.
I'm still missing a bucket of sponges, but I think most other items have been returned to their rightful owners.
June Campout • June 14-16 • Collopy Farm
We'll be patrol style camping at the Collopy Farm in Center City. There's a lake with canoes, also there's an option to climb on Sunday (Father's Day). So we may be doing some of that too, Sign-up and weather permitting. Should be a nice and easy, fun campout. SIGN UP before Monday night meeting!!!
Color Guard for Northern Star Council • June 19 4:30-6:30
We need you! We currently only have one scout signed up!
Troop 1 is honored to have been asked by Northern Star Council to provide Flag ceremony and Color Guard for an event on Wednesday, June 19. So of course, we said yes. Now we need scouts to Sign Up!!!Scouts would need to arrive by 4:30 p.m. and the flag ceremony starts at 5:30 p.m. (Scouts will need to find their own transportation to this event).
Where: Minneapolis Depot
Why: NSC Distinguished Citizen Award Dinner
Who: Troop 1, and Pack 1 Scouts. We only need 6-10 scouts. It'd be great to have a female scout or two to show off that we're a "linked" troop.
Dress: Full Scout Field Uniform: Shirts, Neckerchief, Sash (if you have one), Belt (if you have one), Scout Pants or Shorts, Socks
Please note: Official Scout pants or shorts, and socks are required for this event.
If you don't have them, go to the uniform exchange 6/13 between 4:30-6:30 and pick up a pair for like $4. If this time doesn't work, our Field Director, Ryan, is willing to help us figure something out to have our scouts in full uniform.
Eagle Scout Court of Honor • June 29, 10:30am • Phillippo Scout Camp • Zach Jones

Troop 1 will be Honoring Zach Jones on completion of his Eagle Scout Award. All of Troop 1 is encouraged to attend, families welcome. There will be a reception following the ceremony. Ceremony at Friendship Point - You may remember this as the big overlook from the Camporee.
Refreshments at Powell Shelter. Outdoors - rain or shine.
We can set up a carpool. Families are welcome.
We can set up a carpool. Families are welcome.
Wilderness & Remote First Aid (WRFA) • July 13-14 • Minnehaha Church

Upcoming Schedule
We'll continue to have troop Meetings and do activities throughout the summer.
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BSA Troop 1 Facebook Group
For those of you on Facebook, feel please join our closed group.
GEAR SPOTLIGHT - Mosquito Netting
If you're attending Summer Camp at Tomahawk. This is an essential piece of gear for a peaceful night's sleep in a canvas wall tent. The tents at Tomahawk are old-timey canvas and include a cot, so they're comfy with a lot of room, but provide no protection from the bugs. Spend less than $8 on this, they tie in really nicely around one's cot and you'll be set for sleeping all week. I've had a lot of luck at Fleet Farm and Amazon. There's a double-wide version but that's not much more help. Tomahawk sells these in their trading post but they're usually sold out within the first couple hours. Buy it ahead of time, take care of it, stuff it in a ziploc or stuff sac at the end of summer and use it next year! I've had mine for 6 years.
Scoutmaster's Minute
Fifteen Words to stay "Above the Line".
At the beginning of every meeting, a Scout stands in front and holds up three fingers and leads the Troop in reciting these words called the "Scout Law."
TRUSTWORTHY - How can a scout be trustworthy then say they've done their homework when they have not?
LOYAL - How can a Scout say they are loyal then pick on a friend?
HELPFUL - How can a Scout say they are helpful then make the statement: "I'll do it later"?
FRIENDLY - How can a Scout say they are friendly then argue over whose turn it is?
COURTEOUS - How can a Scout say they are courteous then not hold the door open for the next person?
KIND - How can a Scout say they are Kind and not want to participate in a charity drive?
OBEDIENT - How can a Scout say they are Obedient and not do a thing their parent(s) tell them to do?
CHEERFUL - How can a Scout say they are Cheerful and then fight with their parents?
THRIFTY - How can a Scout say they are Thrifty and then spend every cent they have on video games?
BRAVE - How can a Scout say they are Brave and not get involved when they sees a group teasing someone?
CLEAN - How can a Scout say they are Clean and then tell a dirty joke?
REVERENT - How can a Scout say they are Reverent and never take time for spiritual reflection.
How can a Scout call these words "laws" when they don't have the conviction to follow them?
The truth is, Scouting isn't just for kids that can easily follow along with the points of the Scout law. In fact, on 9 Aug. 1907, B-P set out to Brownsea Island to launch this Scouting experiment because he recognized the challenges youth face, and that training those youth to follow the points of the Scout Law (and have fun while doing it) would provide those kids a chance to do much better at life, for themselves and their country, than their clueless peers.
At any time, violating points of the Scout Law is pretty easy, for anybody, especially for kids going through the experience of growing up. I'm convinced what makes Scouts different than their peers isn't about demonstrating their ability to memorize those fifteen words; it's about a willingness and the wholesome intention to do our best to follow those points and orienting our experiences toward doing what's "right."
Having a memorized reference like the Scout Law isn't something most kids have. So we're lucky, if we take time to reflect, we can easily tell when then we're above and below the line. We all have successes, and we make mistakes - growing up can be messy - but we know where the "line" is and we've pledged to do our best to be examples of how to be above it.
This SMM is inspired from an experience I had a couple years ago at Philmont, on our last, exhausted and cathartic night on trail. We'd backpacked well over 120 miles, and were doing reflections around a campfire none of us were willing to spend the energy to build or light. At that moment, one scout had a very existential response regarding fifteen words he tries to live by, every day, and why he thought it was important.