Car Wash • June 1 • Sign up for a Shift or both

Please sign up for a shift. We need You!
Tomahawk Payments Due
If you've already paid your $100 deposit the remainder is Due Friday, May 31.
For example, if you've paid $100 but the estimate is $330 (with gas and incidentals) then you'd owe $230. Just enter that amount into Scout Account Amount.
Or you, if you're not sure, you can reach out to Jen Newberg our treasurer.
Troop1 Treasurer <>
June Campout • June 14-16 • Collopy Farm
We'll be patrol style camping at the Collopy Farm. There's a lake with canoes, also there's an option to climb on Sunday (Father's Day). So we may be doing some of that too, Sign-up and weather permitting. Should be a nice and easy, fun campout. SIGN UP