April 14
We'll be welcoming 16+ new Arrow of Light Scouts into Troop 1 into two new patrols (Surfing Hedgehogs & the Flaming Unicorns) on Sunday at the end of the Pack 1 Blue and Gold Ceremony. The B&G starts at 6:30 and I'd like as much of the troop there as possible - in your best uniforms. We want to set a great example and be ready to welcome these new scouts. Crossover is a big deal. Our portion likely won't start until 7:30 but it will be good for us to have some time to go over our part and otherwise observe the B&G and relive our Cub Scouts.
We are in need of 6-8 Scouts to help serve Dinner at 5pm (we'll get you fed). Please wear your best Class A but bring a hat (to keep hair out of food) and an apron (to keep your uniform clean) if you can. Scouts will be helping scoop burrito fillings. The pack is doing Chipotle this year, so they want some portion control. This will mostly be older siblings, who'll likely have to be there anyway, but we have room for more: Everett N., Oliver N., Andy B., Will N., Julian B., Jack B., and Alex B. If you'd like to help serve and aren't on this list, or you're not able to help serve and are on this list, please let me know ASAP.
Troop Meeting, Monday 6:30-8:00pm @ Minnehaha Methodist
April 15
We had a great pair of PLC meetings and did some terrific long and short term planning. At the troop meeting, we'll continue welcoming the new scouts and get started right away on advancements.
Eagle Scout Preview • Thursday, April 11, 7pm
Mayflower Church
The Metro Lakes District’s Advancement Committee holds Eagle Previews twice per year to help pre-Eagle Scouts and their parents learn about the forms and procedures needed to get a project approved and the paperwork that must be completed to earn Eagle Rank.
The next one is at 7:00 p.m. this Thursday, April 11 at Mayflower Congregational Church at I-35W and Diamond Lake Road. The Preview will be until about 8:30 p.m.
Earth Day at Base Camp
Saturday, April 20, 2019 • 8:30-12
Check in: 8:30
Program: 9:00-12:00 pm.
Scouts coordinate their own transportation.
This is a uniformed event
• A service project (this counts for service hours!)
• Take home some native seeds to plant in your habitat at home.
• Stick around for climbing
REGISTER here by Tuesday, April 16
Reptile Amphibian Discovery Zoo • April 27-28, 2019
Saturday EVENING until Sunday Morning.
We'll meet at MMC at 5:30pm for a 6pm departure arriving by 7:15pm to RAD Zoo for pizza, evening program and sleeping (indoors on the concrete floor - bring a sleeping pad and an indoor sleeping bag). We plan to be home by 9am Sunday.
Wear your uniform but bring PJs. You might wear your class b under your class a and remove your class A for the program.
The cost is $38. Reptile and Amphibian Study MB pamphlet. You may want to read it if you're going for the MB. Here's a helpful worksheet - for those of you who've started the MB with the troop back in March, you'll likely finish.
Saturday EVENING until Sunday Morning.
We'll meet at MMC at 5:30pm for a 6pm departure arriving by 7:15pm to RAD Zoo for pizza, evening program and sleeping (indoors on the concrete floor - bring a sleeping pad and an indoor sleeping bag). We plan to be home by 9am Sunday.
Wear your uniform but bring PJs. You might wear your class b under your class a and remove your class A for the program.
The cost is $38. Reptile and Amphibian Study MB pamphlet. You may want to read it if you're going for the MB. Here's a helpful worksheet - for those of you who've started the MB with the troop back in March, you'll likely finish.
We need a total of at least 18 for RAD to host the program.
REGISTER here by April 16. I erased the old registrations.
See who else is going via this link.
As always, we probably need drivers- if you'd like to attend (and drive some scouts) please sign up. If you're willing to drive, but don't want to stay the night, please let me know that also.
Spring Camporee • May 3-5, 2019
Friday EVENING until Sunday Morning.
We'll meet at MMC Friday at 6pm and drive to Philippo Scout Camp for the Mega Camporee. We'll be competing in scout games and learning with other scouts from Metro Lakes, Mustang, Dan Patch and Chief Black Dog districts. This will be Big Fun.
Camporee will cost scout $12 for their food. The participation fees and camping costs are otherwise covered by the troop.
REGISTER here by April 23
See who else is going via this link.
Ripley Rendezvous • May 17-19
Camp Ripley • Little Falls, MN
Ripley Rendezvous 2019 will be held the Camp Ripley Army National Guard Training Facility, Camp Ripley, Little Falls, MN. This springtime event is truly a unique opportunity to utilize the training facility's ranges and buildings in presenting three distinct levels of involvement. This is a Jamboree style camp, so we'll be tenting and cooking in our site.
We have the following crew registered to attend.
Tomahawk SUMMER CAMP 2019 • July 27 - Aug 3
Tomahawk Scout Reservation • Chippewa Sub-Camp • Winnebago Site
ALL SCOUTS are highly encouraged to attend. This is the highlight of summer!
New Scouts are HIGHLY encouraged to attend!!! There is a special first-year program designed just for you called "Brownsea Island"!
Cost: $307/Scout; $130/Adult.
Our deposit is due soon next week, so we'll be asking for a $100 payment, ASAP. Contact troop treasurer, Jen Newberg, <troop1.mpls.treasurer@gmail.com> with questions. Payments can be made via check to Troop 1, or online at our cheddarup link. If you don't want to make the entire payment, upfront, please make a "scout account deposit" for $100.
If you're interested in any financial assistance, Northern Star Council provides Financial Assitance called "Camperships" to help offset camp expenses.
Campership request form *We've recently been made aware of some changes that will need to happen regarding the allocation of funds from item sales. More information regarding this will come out as soon as we have a full handle on policy.
As of April 1, we have these Scouts Registered:
If you're not on this list but want to be, Sign Up NOW!
See who else is going via this link.
As always, we probably need drivers- if you'd like to attend (and drive some scouts) please sign up. If you're willing to drive, but don't want to stay the night, please let me know that also.
Spring Camporee • May 3-5, 2019
Friday EVENING until Sunday Morning.
We'll meet at MMC Friday at 6pm and drive to Philippo Scout Camp for the Mega Camporee. We'll be competing in scout games and learning with other scouts from Metro Lakes, Mustang, Dan Patch and Chief Black Dog districts. This will be Big Fun.
Camporee will cost scout $12 for their food. The participation fees and camping costs are otherwise covered by the troop.
REGISTER here by April 23
See who else is going via this link.
Ripley Rendezvous • May 17-19
Camp Ripley • Little Falls, MN
Ripley Rendezvous 2019 will be held the Camp Ripley Army National Guard Training Facility, Camp Ripley, Little Falls, MN. This springtime event is truly a unique opportunity to utilize the training facility's ranges and buildings in presenting three distinct levels of involvement. This is a Jamboree style camp, so we'll be tenting and cooking in our site.
We have the following crew registered to attend.
Tomahawk SUMMER CAMP 2019 • July 27 - Aug 3
Tomahawk Scout Reservation • Chippewa Sub-Camp • Winnebago Site
ALL SCOUTS are highly encouraged to attend. This is the highlight of summer!
New Scouts are HIGHLY encouraged to attend!!! There is a special first-year program designed just for you called "Brownsea Island"!
Our deposit is due soon next week, so we'll be asking for a $100 payment, ASAP. Contact troop treasurer, Jen Newberg, <troop1.mpls.treasurer@gmail.com> with questions. Payments can be made via check to Troop 1, or online at our cheddarup link. If you don't want to make the entire payment, upfront, please make a "scout account deposit" for $100.
If you're interested in any financial assistance, Northern Star Council provides Financial Assitance called "Camperships" to help offset camp expenses.
Campership request form *We've recently been made aware of some changes that will need to happen regarding the allocation of funds from item sales. More information regarding this will come out as soon as we have a full handle on policy.
As of April 1, we have these Scouts Registered:
If you're not on this list but want to be, Sign Up NOW!
Adults interested in being at camp, even if for a day, please reach out and let me know. As always, those able to drive to and/or from camp, that'll be needed!
Currently we have Corey Needleman and Tuesdae Collopy listed to be at camp.
We could send two crews if we get more adults to commit. https://goo.gl/forms/7w8UqUXIMTiorjds2

If we get enough adults, we can have up to 18 people divided up into two crews (think-patrols) of no more than 9 each.
Plan: Drive up on Sunday, August 11 & stay the night at the outfitter in Ely. August 12- On the water. August 17- off water & drive home.
Estimated cost $225/Person
Vote for a New Council Patch by April 15
They've narrowed it down based on previous votes. Log in and let your voice be heard until April 15. Each Scout and leader gets one vote - see the link below!
Mess Kit
One thing that seems to drive all scouts is a need to eat - and importantly, some dishes to eat with. Over the years, I've used everything from "official" BSA aluminum nesting mess kits - which are sturdy and last, to a frisbee - which also provides camp fun, to tupperware - which is cheap and easy, to a tumbler mug and a spoon - which is light and minimal. Keep in mind you can eat pretty much anything with a spoon and a bowl, and you rarely need a knife to cut camp food; it's hard to eat soup from a plate, but you can eat a steak from a bowl. Having some sort of modular system that isn't too big, so things can be dual purposed and don't take up your whole pack is always nice. I've decided, there's not one "right" way to do a mess kit, get creative, be thrifty, but the most import thing is to MARK YOUR GEAR. Nail polish can work great - put your initials in a fun color on a non-eating surface and if you ever want to get rid of it, use nail polish remover. If it's something you hope to keep forever, engraving is a great option.
Here's a fun article from my Scoutmaster sensei - https://scoutmastercg.com/the-highly-evolved-scout-mess-kit/
Adult Volunteer
If you want to get involved in the troop operations, we can use your help. Whether its help with one event to more of continual volunteer commitment, we have room for you! Whatever level of assistance you're interested in, we'll find a spot for you. You don't have to have any experience, you just have to have an interest and be willing. Reach out to our committee chair, Peter Edstrom, and let him know you're interested.
Upcoming Schedule
April 11 - Eagle Preview @ Mayflower Church, 7pm
April 14 - (Sun) Pack 1 Crossover / Blue & Gold at Base Camp
April 15 - Troop Meeting
April 20 - Earth Day at Base Camp
April 22 - Troop Meeting
April 27 - Mini Harvest Service 7:30 am / RAD Zoo 5:30 pm
April 29 - Troop Meeting
May 3-5 - Spring Camporee
May 6 - PLC
May 11 - Carwash 10-2 at Oxendale's
May 13 - Troop Meeting
May 17-19 - Ripley Rendezvous
May 20 - Troop Meeting
May 27 - Memorial Day Service Project - No Troop Meeting
June 1 - Carwash 10-2 at Oxendale's (rain date)
June 3 - Troop Meeting / Elections
June 10 - Troop Meeting
June 14-16 - Camping at "the Farm"
Scoutmaster's Minute
My razor blade is extremely sharp, but can't split firewood very easily. Many of you have had the pleasure of using my Roselli ax that sometimes seems almost that sharp and can usually at least slice a tomato (but I never strop it); regardless, it's one of my favorite tools. It's very strong and sharp and well balanced but is not great for shaving or cutting hair, or even vegetables, really. In my garage woodshop, have a variety of chisels that excel at chipping out mortises but are lousy for flattening a board face - I use my #8 jointer plane for that. I'd never use my folding sierra saw to cut dovetails, I like my backsaw for that, but it would be almost useless on a campout.
Everyone is important. Everyone has a unique talent.
Never look down on anyone...unless you're admiring their shoes.
April 14 - (Sun) Pack 1 Crossover / Blue & Gold at Base Camp
April 15 - Troop Meeting
April 20 - Earth Day at Base Camp
April 22 - Troop Meeting
April 27 - Mini Harvest Service 7:30 am / RAD Zoo 5:30 pm
April 29 - Troop Meeting
May 3-5 - Spring Camporee
May 6 - PLC
May 11 - Carwash 10-2 at Oxendale's
May 13 - Troop Meeting
May 17-19 - Ripley Rendezvous
May 20 - Troop Meeting
May 27 - Memorial Day Service Project - No Troop Meeting
June 1 - Carwash 10-2 at Oxendale's (rain date)
June 3 - Troop Meeting / Elections
June 10 - Troop Meeting
June 14-16 - Camping at "the Farm"
Scoutmaster's Minute
My razor blade is extremely sharp, but can't split firewood very easily. Many of you have had the pleasure of using my Roselli ax that sometimes seems almost that sharp and can usually at least slice a tomato (but I never strop it); regardless, it's one of my favorite tools. It's very strong and sharp and well balanced but is not great for shaving or cutting hair, or even vegetables, really. In my garage woodshop, have a variety of chisels that excel at chipping out mortises but are lousy for flattening a board face - I use my #8 jointer plane for that. I'd never use my folding sierra saw to cut dovetails, I like my backsaw for that, but it would be almost useless on a campout.
Everyone is important. Everyone has a unique talent.
Never look down on anyone...unless you're admiring their shoes.