We'll be working on some pioneering knots and lashings as well as beginning the process of our final patrol box stocking. If you have dishes, tubs, stoves, tents, etc. that belong to the troop please bring them. In the coming months, we'll be redesigning and obtaining new patrol boxes.
Pancake Breakfast Success!!!
Thanks to the many that helped make it a great pancake breakfast. Lots of scouts and parents were available and that is not only good for the fundraising, but it's also good for esprit de corps. As I always say, it takes teamwork to make the dream work and this was a clear example. Everybody's efforts really made a difference, from flipping pancakes to sharing the facebook event on your feed, to helping teach scouts how to make coffee or mop a floor, to sitting at the collection table and being that friendly first interaction.
Troop 1 made $1,071 in our 3.5 hours of pancake sales.
Thanks to Ann Wempner for designing some fantastic reusable signs and social media graphics! Also thanks to Jim Sharpsteen for putting those signs out in terrifically strategic signs throughout the neighborhood. And finally, a special thanks to Eddie McDonald, our coordinator, kitchen boss, front of house manager, and grub master keeping everything within $5 of our Thrivent Grant, meaning that's $1,071 profit for the troop. Great work everyone!
Here are pictures of the largest fully cooked & unburned pancake, I've ever eaten and Troop 1 adult leaders emeritus. Second Shift Photo (above) Photo Cred: Jeanette Wiedemeier-Bower

Wreath Delivery • Saturday, 23 Nov, 9am
Northrup Elementary School
4315 S 31st Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55406
We need all hands on deck to unload the truck and sort the stock and make the orders. Nobody leaves with their orders until everything is unloaded, sorted, and order double-checked. Dress for the weather.
December 13-15 • Board game Camp • Kiwanis
Start picking out your favorite games. Risk, D&D, Catan, Secret Hitler, Monopoly, even card games like 21, etc. Please do not bring Cards Against Humanity, it's too inappropriate for a scouting activity. We'll be at Kiwanis, but our gaming will take place in Gordon Hall! Pack some slippers, no shoes on the wood floors and the concrete gets cold.
There will be plenty of room for us to leave our games up and move on to something else. We'll be sleeping and "cooking" elsewhere.
Board Game Camp is Dec 13-15. Sign Up Here
View Registrations Here.
Register for Scouting in 2020
You may have recently received mail about fees for Scouting going up. They're not going up for us in Metro Lakes District. They're going up for the rest of the council. That said, nobody is turned away for an inability to pay the full amount.
If you don't register before the January 1, things get messy with getting dropped from our roster, etc. Please don't make extra work for our volunteers.
If you don't plan to continue in Troop 1 next year, please reach out and let me know.
Scoutmaster Corps and Committee Registrations are paid for and handled by the troop - thanks for volunteering, you don't need to register yourself.
Please get registered for 2020, ASAP
Boys - http://www.adventureiscalling.org/join/Troop-3001
Girls - http://www.adventureiscalling.org/join/Troop-5001
Upcoming Schedule
Subscribe to the Troop 1 Calendar
View Registrations Here.
Register for Scouting in 2020
You may have recently received mail about fees for Scouting going up. They're not going up for us in Metro Lakes District. They're going up for the rest of the council. That said, nobody is turned away for an inability to pay the full amount.
If you don't register before the January 1, things get messy with getting dropped from our roster, etc. Please don't make extra work for our volunteers.
If you don't plan to continue in Troop 1 next year, please reach out and let me know.
Scoutmaster Corps and Committee Registrations are paid for and handled by the troop - thanks for volunteering, you don't need to register yourself.
Please get registered for 2020, ASAP
Boys - http://www.adventureiscalling.org/join/Troop-3001
Girls - http://www.adventureiscalling.org/join/Troop-5001
BSA Troop 1 Facebook Group
For those of you on Facebook, feel please join our closed group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/mnt3001/
Gear Spotlight • Slippers (Indoor Camp Shoes)
I know its funny, but having some indoor camp shoes are essential in these winter months. As we enter cabin camping, it's important to dump the boots at the door but keep the feet warm. Slippers are the easy answer. Add them to your winter camping pack. It doens't have to be anything fancy. Ikea sells a pair for $3 and they're just great for this task.
Also, even in you're sleeping outside in a hammock, when you go inside you'll slippers or feet covers of some sort.
Scoutmaster Minute • Thankfulness
Why doesn't the Scout Law include "A Scout is THANKFUL"?
I think I might add that one as the 13th point of the Scout Law, if I could.
A thankful scout sees the blessings of good things - food, family, friends, freedom, and even fun. A scout has opportunities for adventure and excitement that many other youth do not get.
A thankful scout understands that the world does not owe anything.
Then, what should a thankful scout do?
Saying, "I'm thankful" doesn't count for much, just like saying "I'm trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind," ... doesn't mean much. DOING something shows that we really are that way. That is what living the Scout Law in my everyday life means.
I'm Thankful for being free to make my own choices, so I'm Trustworthy by telling the truth.
I'm Thankful for my patrol mates, so I'm Loyal to them by pitching in with hard tasks and working as a team.
I'm Thankful for scouts that have taught me, so I'm Helpful to younger scouts.
I'm Thankful for my friends, so I'm Friendly to people around me that don't seem to have friends.
I'm Thankful for the efforts of the SPL and other leaders, so I'm Courteous and quiet while they speak.
I'm Thankful for being accepted into this troop, so I'm Kind to Webelos and welcome them to my troop.
I'm Thankful for my home and family, so I Obedient to my parents.
I'm Thankful that I have free time and opportunities to have fun, so I'm Cheerful even while working.
I'm Thankful for the money people give me for fundraising, so I'm Thrifty when buying food and gear for camping.
I'm Thankful for the service people and first responders, and others that protect us from danger, so I'm Brave when faced with a scary situation.
I'm Thankful for the adults that drive on campouts, so I leave their car Clean when we're done.
I'm Thankful for every day I wake up with more life to live, so I'm Reverent in my own way.