Monday, January 27, 2025

Meeting tonight | Summer Planning | Website Updates

Hello Scouts!

Hope to see you tonight for our meeting - 6:30 PM, Minnehaha United Methodist Church. We're working on advancement items and beginning to discuss Snow Sports MB for those interested.

This is the time of year when families start planning their busy summers. Please keep in mind that Troop 1 will be going to Tomahawk Scout Camp a little later this year, from August 3-9. We chose this date so that scouts who are going to Philmont will have an opportunity to attend Tomahawk as well, if they are able to. Troop 1 scouts of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend, as are adult volunteers.

Website Update: You may have noticed that we redesigned our website and moved it to The new site follows the updated Scouting America branding. It shows prospective families how much fun we have in Troop 1 with updated pictures of recent campouts. Some content that isn't appropriate for the general public (such as photo albums and committee meeting notes) has been moved to a "members only" area, visible only to members of the Troop 1 Google group. Recipients of this email should have access. Please let yur Scoutmasters (Jill or Josh) know if you have any questions or suggestions.

We want to give a shout out to our webmaster, Ethan Tallen, who is publishing updates on our activities on the From the scouts page on the new website. If any other scouts would like to write an article sharing an aspect of their scouting experience, they are welcome to do so! They can contact Ethan to work together to get it published.

See you at 6:30!