Troop Meeting • Monday, 6:30-8:00pm • Nokomis Beach
We will be swimming at the "little beach" on Nokomis. This is NOT the main beach. We're at the beach on the East side of the lake, closest to MUMC of of 50th & Lake Nokomis Pkwy. Show up in swimsuit. We'll be taking the BSA swim test, and reviewing Safe Swim Defense, practicings some water rescues, and covering some aspects of Second Class Aquatics.
Next Monday (7/15) we hope to get some canoes and swamp them, etc. If you have one to lend, let me know.
Roller Garden • July 13, 11am-4pm • $10
Dylan came up with the awesome idea of having everyone meet at the Roller Garden this Saturday, July 13th from 11-4. The cost for admittance is $7, and $3 additional if you would like to rent blades or skates.
Would love to see a large group there, but that's a pretty long time to skate, so make sure to wear your class B’s so we can see who’s coming and going. The hope is that if we have a good turnout, that in the future we can get a great deal on a reoccurring pack/troop event. This is fun for the entire family, everybody is envited!
The RollerGarden is located at 5622 West Lake Street, Saint Louis Park
Wilderness & Remote First Aid (WRFA) • July 13-14 • Minnehaha Church

Troop 1 Class B Shirt
2019 Troop 1 T-Shirts
All Scouts & Scoutmaster Corps must get a Class B. This will be deducted from Scout Accounts.
Shirts are open to everyone else for an order at $10/shirt
New order shirts will be a wicking material
Orders Due July 1
Tomahawk Service Project
We are to make two benches for our Winnebago campsite. Anybody who's been there knows these additional benches will greatly help the fire ring.
Estimated cost is $65 per bench.
If you can help procure supplies please let us know. Somebody has volunteered to donate Screws and Bolts.
Something to seriously consider if you're heading to the BWCA is your footwear. For about $30-$35 one can obtain "Jungle" Boots modeled after the Vietnam-era footwear. They are relatively lightweight and meant to be worn in muddy conditions and in the water while still providing support and traction - the soles are designed to shed mud. They have drains so they don't hold much water. They also work for boots if you're not in the BWCA, though I don't think I'd wear any on a long backpacking trip.
Tomahawk Details
Tomahawk Advisors & Drivers
We are taking a big crew (27 Scouts) to camp this summer and will need help getting them all there.
If you're planning to come to camp, or you're able to help drive; Tomahawk is about 2.5 hours away. If you've talked to me, but haven't filled this form - please fill out this form.
We held our first crew meeting tonight and divided up into two crews.We started with some route planning.
- Here is a personal packing list. See what you don't have and make a list
- Each crew has elected a First Aid Corpsman working to make a crew first aid kit.
- Everybody should research at least 2 meals they can share with the crew at our next meeting. Remember no cans or bottles are allowed into the BWCA.
Next Crew Meeting is Sunday, July 21, 6:30, MUMC
Upcoming Schedule
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BSA Troop 1 Facebook Group
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Scoutmaster's Minute - Afraid and Brave
Who is the braver - the Tenderfoot that gets up to walk to the latrine on a campout at 2am or the Life Scout that rescues a drowning 6 year old?
Bravery doesn't depend on the task being done. It depends on the internal challenge overcome to perform the task. That Tenderfoot may have been very brave to walk all alone in the pitch black to the latrine with all the wildlife in camp. The Life Scout may have had no concerns with going into 5 feet of water.
A good definition of Bravery is: "being afraid of doing something but doing it anyway."
Being brave is not being unafraid - quite the opposite; fear and bravery go hand in hand. When you are afraid and can still do what needs to be done, now THAT is being brave.
So you need to be afraid to be brave, but don't be afraid to be brave. Whether that is saving someone in danger, sticking up for a new kid at school, or telling someone about your beliefs - there are many situations where you can be brave or cowardly. You find out a lot about yourself when you find yourself in those situations. Bravery, like anything else, can be practiced and developed over time.