Friday, August 30, 2024

Labor Day | Upcoming Meetings | Pancake Breakfast | Fall Camporee

Greetings Scouts!

As we wrap up summer and head into the school year, we have a lot going on. Please read carefully!


Monday Sept 2: Labor Day - no Troop meeting.

Monday Sept 9: Troop meeting, Theodore Wirth Park Trailhead, 7PM.

  • Please note this is a different location and time than our normal meetings! Cullan F's Eagle project will have volunteer shifts on Sept 9 (see note from Cullan, emailed separately). Your Patrol Leader's Council opted to move the meeting to make it easier for Scouts to help with the project while still attending the Troop meeting. This will be a shorter meeting - we will still plan to be done by 8PM.
  • Meeting plan: Targeted Advancement - bring your Scout book and be ready to work on requirements!

Monday Sept 16: Troop Meeting, Minnehaha United Methodist Church, 6:30PM. Meeting plans include:

  • Pancake Breakfast planning - see below for more information!
  • Merit Badge progress review - please fill out this form and bring your answers to the meeting

Monday Sept 23: Troop Meeting, Minnehaha United Methodist Church, 6:30PM. Meeting plans include:

  • Targeted Advancement - bring your Scout book or Merit Badge blue card(s) and be ready to work on requirements! Scouts who need to work on the same things will be paired with any Scout or adult who can help them.

Monday Sept 30: Troop Meeting, Minnehaha United Methodist Church, 6:30PM. Meeting plans include:

  • Campout Planning - Fall Camporee. Patrols need to check gear and plan menus.
  • Targeted Advancement - Rank or Merit Badge work


Sunday September 23: Pancake Breakfast fundraiser

  • Be prepared to help spread the word and to help out. More details to come.
  • For those working on Communication Merit Badge, this is a great opportunity to design a flyer to help promote the fundraiser! (Requirement 7c)


October 4-6: Fall Camporee, Fred C Anderson Scout Camp. Camp focus: Ecology and Conservation, with opportunity for Conservation service hours. Hours can count towards rank, Environmental Science, or Sustainability MBs.

Camporee is a Council camp. Attendance cost (including food) is $45 youth / $40 adult for early registration. Prices increase by $10 for late registration.

OTHER UPCOMING CAMPS: Remember - These won't happen unless the Troop plans them!

November 22-24, Stearns: Merit Badge camp/Pack 1 skills demo

December (date/location TBD): Board Game Camp

January (date TBD), Tomahawk: Snow Base

February (date TBD), Fred C Anderson/Trollhaugen: Ski Camp

Thanks for reading and enjoy your holiday weekend!