Hello Scouts!
Many, many thanks to those of you who turned out to help this weekend with the Pancake Breakfast and Eagle Project! For those who helped Finn on Saturday, an extra special thanks from me, as I was unable to make it. You are all awesome and I am glad each of you is part of the Troop!
Monday night we will be planning for camp. This coming weekend is Cooking Camp at Phillippo. If you have not yet signed up, there is still time! See links below. We're happy to have a few Melted Marshmallows joining us for the weekend. Weather looks to be great for camping!
March 7-9: Cooking Camp @ Phillippo. Troop 1 will camp as patrols in the Gwin cabins. Scouts will work on camp cooking using patrol boxes, camp stoves, Dutch ovens, etc. Campers will be able to start/continue Cooking merit badge or work on cooking requirements for 1st Class.
April 11-13, 2025: Back to the Woods Camp @ Stearns. This is an intentionally unstructured camp weekend. Activity plans and meal planning is up to the Scouts - either activities by patrol, or as a group. Scouts should plan to cook outdoors and sleep in tents. We will have Deckenbach shelter available but this is a single-room cabin with no amenities.
Remember, Troop camp registrations can always be found at https://www.troop1mn.org/events/register-for-camp