Hello Troop 1!
Merit Badge camp is this coming weekend. Tonight's meeting will focus on camp prep - menus, checking patrol boxes, and assigning responsibility for Grubmasters for our patrols. We currently have 5 adults and 8 scouts registered.
Merit badges offered include: Citizenship in Society, Public
Speaking, and Pioneering. We'll send a separate email to all with
information on the badges and requirements that will need to be
done ahead of time or after camp.
There's still time to register for camp if you want to attend but have not yet signed up. Camp cost is $25.
As a reminder, the first meeting after a Troop camp is Patrol Leader's Council. The PLC will plan the next month of activities for the Troop. All scouts are welcome to attend the PLC on Monday November 11, but Patrol Leaders / Assistant Patrol Leader / Senior and Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders / Scribe are required to attend. If you hold one of these positions and cannot make the meeting, please make sure you have someone else stand in for you.
A side note: We do not yet officially have a Scribe. If no one steps up to take this role, the ASPLs will be required to fill Scribe role for the meeting. Please consider becoming Troop Scribe. Your responsibility is to take notes during the PLC and communicate these notes back to the Scoutmaster for distribution to the Troop.
See you tonight!