Friday, May 24, 2024

Potbelly Fundraiser | Philmont Garage Sale

Hello Troop 1 - Two fundraiser opportunities for our troop to support outdoor activities and high adventure.

Potbelly fundraiser: This one is easy! Share the attached flyer with your friends and neighbors. All sales at the 2130 Ford Parkway Potbelly sandwich shop from 4:30-7:30 PM on Wednesday May 29 will benefit Troop 1. Please let people know that they do NOT need the physical flyer, they can show it on their phone or say they are there to support Troop 1.

Philmont Garage Sale: The Philmont 2025 crew is holding a garage sale at Minnehaha United Methodist Church on Saturday June 1 from 8AM through 1PM (or until we run out of items!). Philmont crew members should look for items they can sell in the sale to benefit the group, and should plan on being present to help with the sale. The crew is also welcoming donations of items for the sale, from anyone in the Troop who wants to support the high adventure crew. Items for the garage sale can be dropped off Friday night or early Saturday morning (7:30AM). For Friday drop-offs, contact me so that we can ensure someone will be able to meet you at MUMC to secure the items you are donating.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend - and don't forget about the service hours opportunities to honor our Veterans! If you are unable to participate in any Memorial Day service opportunities, please consider registering for flag PICK UP at Fort Snelling National Cemetery - the 16,000 flags to be placed at gravesites this weekend need to be picked up again NEXT weekend, and the group organizing this is in need of volunteers to assist. More information and registration details here: