Sunday, May 19, 2024

Patrol Leader's Council | Girls Troop planning | Memorial Day events

Happy Monday Troop 1!

Reminder that we have Patrol Leader's Council tonight, 6:30PM, Minnehaha United Methodist Church. This is our monthly planning meeting for the Troop. Patrol Leaders, Senior Patrol Leader, and Assistants to both should attend. Scribe should also attend. All other scouts who want to provide input on event planning are welcome.

Half Burnt Hot Dogs - if able to attend, watching the PLC in action is good practice, and your participation and input is welcome - after all, this will be YOUR troop in 2 weeks!

Adults - during the PLC we have planned a discussion of the future of Troop 5001, our (currently dormant) linked girls troop (boys are registered to 3001 - we're all Troop 1 either way). We have 4 female scouts who plan to cross over to Troop 1 a year from now, and we know more are on deck behind them! We are meeting to plan out how we want to approach the future of our troop to make sure we are providing the best experience for all of our scouts.

Scouts, don't forget about opportunities to provide service during Memorial Day weekend! If you attend one or both, please wear your Class A uniform to show your respect for our Veterans.

  • Saturday May 25, 3PM: Flag Placement at Fort Snelling National Cemetery - organized by Order of the Arrow. All scouts and community members welcome. If joining Troop 1 to place flags, email Dr. Nixon to be added to our group registration. Attendees need to bring a BSA health form (parts A and B only) if you do not yet have one on file with the troop.
  • Monday May 27, 8:15AM: Memorial Day support at Pioneers and Soldiers Cemetery. Scouts needed to help with setting out chairs, handing out programs and poppies, and placing flags along the roadway. Will send more details from the event organizer when I have them.

Good Scouting!