Troop Meeting Monday 6:30-8:00pm, MMC
We'll be participating in 50th St Clean-Up. Troop 1 is a sponsor of 50th St. Periodically we provide some service and pick up the trash to keep it looking nice. We will not have a troop Meeting on Memorial Day other than Ben's Eagle CoH at 11:00 (details below).A big thanks to Quentin Randolph for taking on the important role of Committee Chair. Peter Edstrom has done excellent work serving in that role over the past couple years and is excited to help Quentin continue the troop's success. Drop them both a note of gratitude if you have a minute.
Flags for Memorial Day • Sunday, May 26, 1pm

Soldiers and Pioneers Cemetary
Sunday, May 26 at 1pm-3pm. Rain or Shine.
Scouts should be in uniform.
Soldiers & Pioneers is located at Cedar Ave. and Lake Street.
2945 Cedar Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55407
Service Project: 2 hours.
Eagle Scout Court of Honor • Monday, May 27, 11am • Minnehaha Church • Ben Maruggi

Troop 1 will be Honoring Ben Maruggi on completion of his Eagle Scout Award. All of Troop 1 is encouraged to attend, families welcome. There will be a reception following the ceremony.
Car Wash • June 1 • Sign up for a Shift

please sign up for a shift.
June Campout • June 14-16 • Collopy Farm
We'll be patrol style camping at the Collopy Farm. There's a lake with canoes, also there's an option to climb on Sunday (Father's Day). So we may be doing some of that too, Sign-up and weather permitting. Should be a nice and easy, fun campout. SIGN UP
Eagle Scout Court of Honor • June 29, 10:30am • Phillippo Scout Camp • Zach Jones

Troop 1 will be Honoring Zach Jones on completion of his Eagle Scout Award. All of Troop 1 is encouraged to attend, families welcome. There will be a reception following the ceremony. Ceremony at Friendship Point - You may remember this as the big overlook from the Camporee.
Refreshments at Powell Shelter. Outdoors - rain or shine.
Wilderness & Remote First Aid (WRFA) • July 13-14 • Minnehaha Church

Become an Adult Volunteer - we need YOU!

If you want to wear the uniform and interact with the scouts, participating in events, campouts, and troop meetings, Scoutmaster Corps is for you. If you'd like to camp occasionally, but really would rather be involved in more of the "business side" of things, troop Committee Membership is for you! Scoutmaster Corps should wear the uniform, Committee Chair and a couple other dedicated members of the committee who'd like to camp should wear a uniform.
We want you to get involved in the troop operations; we need your help. Providing opportunities for scouts requires a fair amount of behind the scenes work from adults. Whether its help with a single event to more of continual volunteer commitment, we have room for you! Maybe you can help with fundraisers, or a fundraiser, or help with advancement tracking or picking up items from the store, or general camp coordination (making sure there are enough drivers, etc.), or maintaining annual health forms. Simply put, whatever level of assistance you're willing to commit to, we'll gladly take it. Many hands make for lighter work. You don't have to have any experience, you just have to have to be willing. Reach out to our new committee chair, Quentin Randolph, and let him know you're interested.
Upcoming Schedule
We'll continue to have troop Meetings and do activities throughout the summer.
Subscribe to the Troop 1 Google Calendar
For those of you on Facebook, feel please join our closed group.
There are a variety of means to do this. A simple Sharpie is always a good choice. The rub-a-dub model is intended for clothes and laundry so it doesn't bleed out. Some choose to engrave their harder materials, some use custom iron on laundry tags. Some people use electrical tape or nail polish. Whatever your system, be sure to mark your gear as to not get it confused with all the other gear. Or when it's left behind we know who it belongs to.
Simply put, if you want to keep your gear, mark it.
Some places to shop for gear:
- Brick & Mortar: REI, Repair Lair (experienced gear), Midwest Mountaineering, LL Bean, Cabelas, Scout Shop (sometimes they have really good deals, often over-priced), even non-specialty big-box stores like Walmart & Target have a lot of decent gear.
- Online:,,,,,,
Scoutmaster's Minute
TurbulenceIf you’re ever flying on a plane and there’s some turbulence, you know it doesn’t make you feel good. It doesn’t matter who is sitting next to you – what their religion is, what they look like, what their political views are, if they're wearing deodorant, none of this stuff matters – We reach out and hold their hand because at that moment that’s all we have in the world. If we lived each deal like that would probably be a lot better off. Follow the Scout Law and you'll be there for others at their times of turbulence.