Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Upcoming Camps and Meetings

Hello all - your Patrol Leader's Council met yesterday and planned the next month of meetings. We also have sign-ups available for camp weekends through February. The PLC also discussed the need for better pre-camp planning based on feedback from last weekend's camp.


Monday October 14: "Don't Be Columbus" day. Who wants to be famous for being utterly lost? Not Scouts! We'll work on map and compass skills. Bring a compass (if you have one) and a headlamp or flashlight, and dress for the weather. Older Scouts should be prepared to take bearings and map out a course outdoors, while younger scouts learn the skills needed to navigate the course.

Monday October 21: "Totin' Chip" day. Let's learn about safety when using knives, axes, and saws! Bring a pocketknife and materials to sharpen a knife, saw, or axe (sharpening stone, metal file, etc, if you have one). Scouts will have a chance to earn their Totin' Chip or teach others using the E.D.G.E. method. Hopefully, we can remain focused on safety rather than First Aid!

Monday October 28: "Pumpkin Carving" day. Now that we can safely use knives, the PLC planned an evening of pre-Halloween fun! Bring a pumpkin (or other suitable vegetable) to carve into a jack-o-lantern. Please plan to bring your own carving tools, and newspaper or tarp to protect the floors and speed clean-up. If you like pumpkin seeds, make sure you have a container to bring them home for roasting!

Monday November 4: "Pre-Camp Planning" day. We'll be preparing for the Merit Badge Camp. Come to the meeting with your own menu plan - include one breakfast, one lunch, and one dinner - your patrol will vote on meals and pick a Grubmaster for the weekend. We'll also verify patrol boxes are complete and talk about the care (and restoration!) of cast iron cookware.


November 8-10: Merit Badge Camp, Kiwanis Scout Camp

We hope to offer some of the Citizenship merit badges, with alternate offerings for Scouts who have completed the Citizenship badges. This will be a busy weekend and will likely require some work outside of the weekend to earn some of the selected badges.

December 6-8: Board Game Camp, Stearns Scout Camp

A full weekend of your favorite board and tabletop games, in Tonkawa Lodge - the newest and fanciest Scout lodge in Minnesota. Bring your favorite games to share, and try games you've never played before. If you haven't been to Board Game Camp before, you don't want to miss it.

January 10-12, 2025: Snow Base, Tomahawk Scout Camp

Snow Base is booked and those who registered prior to October 1 are confirmed. Remember that your full payment for the weekend is due by December 15. If your Scout account can't cover the cost, you'll be contacted by the Treasurer to arrange payment. We may have opportunity for additional attendees (especially for Experience program) - if you are interested and missed the sign-up window, contact me!

February 7-9, 2025: Ski Camp, Trollhaugen/Fred C. Anderson Scout Camp

Join us for our annual trip to Trollhaugen, where we'll invite the Arrow of Light scouts from Pack 1 for a weekend of skiing and winter fun! This camp costs a little more than most due to lift ticket prices. Scouts will have the opportunity to work on Snow Sports Merit Badge (ski or snowboard option).

Joshua Nixon, PhD (he/him/his)

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Camp Planning Monday & Upcoming Camps

Hello Troop 1!

We have several camps planned for the next few months.

October 4-6: Back-to-the-Woods Camp, Rum River Scout Camp

It's not too late to register! This is an unstructured weekend camp at Rum River. Outdoor sleeping and cooking, advancement, and general fun. With a little luck, Scouts can work on Golf merit badge on the camp disc golf course (assuming my Golf counselor approval comes in time!) We're planning the menu at Monday's meeting. If you are going to camp and need to plan camp menus for advancement, this is your chance!

November: Merit Badge Camp - date and location TBD

Planning on either Nov 1-3 or 8-10, pending Patrol Leader's Council approval. Stay tuned for this one: We hope to offer some of the Citizenship merit badges, with alternate offerings for Scouts who have completed the Citizenship badges. If you have not provided your input on which badges we should consider, please fill out the form!

December 6-8: Board Game Camp, Stearns Scout Camp

A full weekend of your favorite board and tabletop games, in Tonkawa Lodge - the newest and fanciest Scout lodge in Minnesota. Bring your favorite games to share, and try games you've never played before. If you haven't been to Board Game Camp before, you don't want to miss it.

January: Snow Base - date TBD, Tomahawk Scout Camp

Council registration for Snow Base opens on October 1. We currently have 16 people who intend to go - that's an awesome group! If you'd like to join us, sleep in the snow, and generally have some winter fun, register now! If need be, we can send two crews on alternate weekends.

Last but not least - don't forget SKI CAMP in February! More details to come.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Progress and Camping

Hello Scouts - reminders of a few items:

Merit Badge progress:

Please fill this form out to let your PLC know what badges you would like the Troop to work on at upcoming meetings. Only 3 Scouts have responded so far!

Camping opportunities:

Fall Camporee (October 4-6) - Only 1 Scout signed up so far, if we do not have at least 4 Scouts we won't attend!

Snow Base (January 2025) - 6 Scouts / 2 adults interested, any others who want to attend should register soon!

Next meeting is Monday September 16, 6:30 PM at Minnehaha United Methodist. Please note I will not be able to attend this meeting as I will be out of town for work.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Meeting Tonight at MUMC | Snow Base interest

Hello Troop 1!

Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight at Minnehaha United Methodist, 6:30 PM.

Please consider signing up for Snow Base: This unique winter camping experience is offered at Tomahawk Scout Camp. We hope to bring a crew in January. All food is provided as part of program cost, and Snow Base provides high performance winter gear to ensure everyone stays warm and has fun. Northern Star Scouting registration for Snow Base dates opens October 1. Dogsledding lottery opens September 15. We need you to register your interest soon to ensure we can get a spot. More info here from the Northern Star website.

Snow Base has three main programs:

  • Experience Program: Introduction to winter camping. Scouts sleep indoors in a bunkhouse Friday and Saturday nights, with the option of trying a night in a snow shelter.
  • Spearhead Program: Scouts sleep in a bunkhouse Friday night, then construct and sleep in their own outdoor snow shelters on Saturday.
  • Dogsledding Program: Open only to Scouts who have attended Snow Base before. This popular program is lottery-based. Scouts spend the day with a dogsled team, and sleep indoors with an optional outdoor option Saturday night, like the Experience program.

Program cost is $88 (Experience program), $101 (Spearhead program), or $260 (Dogsledding program).

Scouts who have attended in prior years really enjoy this winter camping experience! Build and sleep in a snow shelter, play winter games, and learn how to stay warm in the snow. See photos from the 2023 Snow Base weekend here.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Labor Day | Upcoming Meetings | Pancake Breakfast | Fall Camporee

Greetings Scouts!

As we wrap up summer and head into the school year, we have a lot going on. Please read carefully!


Monday Sept 2: Labor Day - no Troop meeting.

Monday Sept 9: Troop meeting, Theodore Wirth Park Trailhead, 7PM.

  • Please note this is a different location and time than our normal meetings! Cullan F's Eagle project will have volunteer shifts on Sept 9 (see note from Cullan, emailed separately). Your Patrol Leader's Council opted to move the meeting to make it easier for Scouts to help with the project while still attending the Troop meeting. This will be a shorter meeting - we will still plan to be done by 8PM.
  • Meeting plan: Targeted Advancement - bring your Scout book and be ready to work on requirements!

Monday Sept 16: Troop Meeting, Minnehaha United Methodist Church, 6:30PM. Meeting plans include:

  • Pancake Breakfast planning - see below for more information!
  • Merit Badge progress review - please fill out this form and bring your answers to the meeting

Monday Sept 23: Troop Meeting, Minnehaha United Methodist Church, 6:30PM. Meeting plans include:

  • Targeted Advancement - bring your Scout book or Merit Badge blue card(s) and be ready to work on requirements! Scouts who need to work on the same things will be paired with any Scout or adult who can help them.

Monday Sept 30: Troop Meeting, Minnehaha United Methodist Church, 6:30PM. Meeting plans include:

  • Campout Planning - Fall Camporee. Patrols need to check gear and plan menus.
  • Targeted Advancement - Rank or Merit Badge work


Sunday September 23: Pancake Breakfast fundraiser

  • Be prepared to help spread the word and to help out. More details to come.
  • For those working on Communication Merit Badge, this is a great opportunity to design a flyer to help promote the fundraiser! (Requirement 7c)


October 4-6: Fall Camporee, Fred C Anderson Scout Camp. Camp focus: Ecology and Conservation, with opportunity for Conservation service hours. Hours can count towards rank, Environmental Science, or Sustainability MBs.

Camporee is a Council camp. Attendance cost (including food) is $45 youth / $40 adult for early registration. Prices increase by $10 for late registration.

OTHER UPCOMING CAMPS: Remember - These won't happen unless the Troop plans them!

November 22-24, Stearns: Merit Badge camp/Pack 1 skills demo

December (date/location TBD): Board Game Camp

January (date TBD), Tomahawk: Snow Base

February (date TBD), Fred C Anderson/Trollhaugen: Ski Camp

Thanks for reading and enjoy your holiday weekend!

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Troop Elections Monday | Time Capsule! | Court of Honor Reminder

Hello Troop 1!

As a reminder, Troop elections are scheduled for Monday August 5.

If you are planning to run for a leadership position in the Troop, please come prepared to make your case for the position. If you are running for a position but will not be present, please prepare a written statement (2-3 sentences) that our Senior Patrol Leader or Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders can read on your behalf.

If you are planning to request an APPOINTED position, please contact me via email as I will not be at the meeting Monday.

  • Elected positions (entire Troop): Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Quartermaster, Scribe, Historian, Librarian, Chaplain's Aide, Bugler, Webmaster.
  • Elected positions (within your Patrol): Patrol Leader, Assistant Patrol Leader.
  • Appointed positions (agreed upon by Scoutmasters when Scouts express interest): Troop Guide, Den Chief, Instructor, OA Representative, Outdoor Ethics Guide.

Current leadership is listed on the Leadership and Patrols page of the Troop website. https://www.troop1min.org/home/about-troop-1/leadership-patrols (This is highly likely to NOT be accurate: Scribe, please make sure we have an ACCURATE list of election results after the meeting! Thank you!)

Some cool Troop 1 history! A Time Capsule entry from 1998.


The Scouts in Troop 1 filled out this form at the Viking Council Spring Camporee in 1998. Scouts present at the event signed the form. It lists favorite activities, music and movies that were popular at the time, and their predictions for what would change in Scouting by 2023.

Since this form was filled, Viking Council merged into Northern Star Council. I'll note that many of the predictions Troop 1 made 25 years ago did not come to pass - we don't camp on the moon, and we don't have "hover tents" - but they DID correctly guess that Scouting would involve boys and girls, instead of boys-only as it was back then!

Please take a little time to read through the form. Some of it is cool and some is funny. If anyone knows what happened to any of the Scouts named, it would be great to have a follow-up - none are listed on our record of Troop 1 Eagle Scouts, but our list only goes back to 2014.

The form is linked above and was also added to the Troop 1 History page on our website.

Court of Honor - August 19, 6:30 PM, Minnehaha United Methodist Church.

This will be an epic Court of Honor as we have not held a CoH since March. We have 8 Scouts who earned a new rank, and we also have more than 70 Merit Badges to present to Scouts - so far! Scouts are working hard to wrap up last-minute advancement, but the deadline is approaching soon.

Please plan to turn in all advancement records (blue cards for Merit Badges) at Monday's meeting. If you need a Board of Review but have not yet spoken to our Advancement team, please contact Lacey Welter as soon as possible (welterlacey@gmail.com).

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Tomahawk wrap-up | Canoeing | Court of Honor

Hello Troop 1!

Glad that so many of you could make it to Tomahawk.

It was a great week and I certainly enjoyed my time in the woods with all of you!

Scouts who were at camp, I am sending out emails listing any partial merit badges you may have, including the name of any counselors in the Troop and the specific items you need to do to complete the badge. Many of you might be able to do some or all of these requirements before the Court of Honor.

Monday July 29: We are meeting at Lake Nokomis to work on Canoeing Merit Badge.

Please meet at the parking lot on the north side of the lake, by the canoe dock (right down the hill from the Lake Nokomis Community Center).

We'll focus on canoe swamping and rescue requirements. Come to the meeting prepared to get wet! If you have a life vest please bring it to the meeting.

For those who do not want to do Canoeing (or have already earned it), we'll have Troop leadership on hand to work on merit badge completions and rank requirements. If hoping for a Scoutmaster's Conference or arriving for a Board of Review, be sure to bring your Scout handbook and wear your Class A uniform.

Court of Honor: Scheduled for August 19 at Minnehaha United Methodist Church.

This is a Class A uniform event - we will be handing out a LOT of rank awards, merit badges, and other recognition for Scouts and adults. Please consider bringing a treat to share with those attending. We welcome friends and family members who want to be there to see you get recognized for your hard work!

Remember, our advancement team needs lead time to pick up awards and badges. Please turn in completed blue cards as soon as possible to ensure you are recognized at this Court of Honor, otherwise earned awards may not be awarded until the next Court of Honor later this year!