Monday, January 13, 2025

Citizenship requirements tonight | Snow Base report | Ski Camp/Snow Sports MB advance prep

Hello Troop 1! We're holding our first Troop meeting of 2025 tonight at Minnehaha United Methodist Church.

Tonight's meeting will focus on the trail to First Class, specifically citizenship requirements: Peter Kimball, Alex's dad, will be present tonight to talk to you about your rights and obligations as a U.S. citizen. Please take some time to think about what YOU believe these are, and what they mean. Scouts who actively take part in the discussion can get the 1st Class citizenship requirements signed off.

For those working on Citizenship in the Community, Mr. Kimball has stated he would be happy to speak to you about Requirement 4 for that Merit Badge as well, provided the issue you are considering is handled by either the Executive or Judicial branch of local government. You will likely NOT have time to do so tonight, but you ARE encouraged to speak with Mr. Kimball to schedule a time to talk about the Merit Badge. (Please decide what important issue you wish to discuss AND determine the government branch responsible BEFORE talking to Mr. Kimball!)

Snow Base: For those who attended, we did not have time for Rose-Buds-Thorns. We hope to do that tonight AND hand you your Snow Base patch. For Scouts who did NOT go to Snow Base, please talk to those who did! We had an awesome weekend, everyone stayed (mostly) warm, and we had enough snow to make it fun! Scouts who slept outdoors at Snow Base should ensure they are counting the winter camping experience towards completion of Camping Merit Badge. If you need a Camping blue card and don't yet have one, please ask me at the meeting!

Ski Camp: Feb 7-9, staying at Fred C. Anderson Scout Camp with a day trip to Trollhaugen to ski. We hope you plan to attend - Ski Camp is usually one of the experiences many scouts look forward to each year! This camp is a bit more expensive than some due to cost of lift tickets, but those who attend would agree it's worth it! Tickets are $47 for scouts / $49 for adults, ski/snowboard rentals (if needed) are $25; free beginner lessons are available for anyone.

Snow Sports Merit Badge: For those who wish to work on this badge, we will be going over some requirements at the Jan 27 and Feb 3 Troop meetings. Scouts who pick the alpine ski or snowboard options can complete the on-the-hill portion at Trollhaugen. Scouts who pick the nordic ski or snowshoe option will need to complete their on-the-snow portion at another time.

Hope to see you all tonight!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Court of Honor | Troop Election Results | 5 Mile Hike

Hello Troop 1!

To those who attended Board Game Camp, thanks for a fun weekend! If you have photos you'd like to share, please add to this album:

We have two upcoming Courts of Honor:

  • Troop Court of Honor - Monday December 16. Wear your best Class A uniform and consider bringing a treat to share! Come help us recognize our Scouts for recent rank and Merit Badge advancement!

  • Theo Holdsworth Eagle Court of Honor - Wednesday December 18th, 7PM at Minnehaha United Methodist Church. Wear your best Class A uniform and come help us congratulate Theo on his accomplishment!

Troop Elections were held Monday. If you were elected (or appointed) to a new leadership position, you will be recognized and receive the appropriate position patch at the Court of Honor. We will also induct the new SPL, ASPL, and Patrol Leaders. If you are leaving a position, remember to RETURN the position patch and Velcro backing so that we can give it to the newly elected/appointed Scouts!

Last, the Philmont crew is organizing a 5 mile hike this Saturday, December 14. Everyone is welcome to join us! We'll meet at MUMC at 1 PM. Crew members, or anyone who wants to work on Hiking Merit Badge, should plan a route and be prepared to share it. We'll pick one route from the proposed plans. Be Prepared for the weather and remember the Scout essentials!

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Troop Elections Monday

Important reminder - Troop is meeting Monday 12/09/2024 for elections. 

Advancement deadline for Court of Honor is also Monday Dec 9. Turn in your completed Blue Cards by Monday, and let advancement team know ASAP if a Board of Review is needed for rank advancement!

We normally hold a Patrol Leader's Council right after camp. However this coming Monday we will hold a regular Troop meeting, where we will hold elections for key positions.

What are these leadership positions? Brief descriptions are below; You can read more about them here:

Please look and think about what positions might interest you. Our Troop is great at supporting and training people who are new to a position so don't be afraid to try something new!

Positions we MUST have: Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (2), Scribe (1 or 2), Quartermaster (1 or 2)

  • SPL is the lead Scout in the troop, leading meetings and activities. ASPLs assist or fill in when the SPL is absent.
  • Scribe attends meetings and especially the PLC. They take and distribute notes to record the planned activities and ensure others know what has been planned.
  • Quartermaster(s) manage Troop gear and report to PLC when gear needs attention or replacement. QM should manage pre- and post-camp gear checks, check-in, and check-out.

Within each patrol: Patrol Leader, Assistant Patrol Leader

  • PL must attend the PLC; they represent their Patrol in the meeting and lead their Patrol in activities.
  • When PL is not available, the APL should attend PLC. The APL can also serve as patrol Quartermaster.

Other important elected positions: Librarian, Historian, Webmaster, Chaplain Aide, Bugler (1 or 2)

  • These positions provide support for the Troop. Any scout can serve in these roles.
  • Librarian manages the Troop merit badge book library, checking books in and out and recommending new or replacement books when needed.
  • Historian records Troop activities (for example photo galleries or writeups of what the Troop has done) and investigates the Troop history.
  • Webmaster should be comfortable editing website or be able to learn how to do so.
  • Chaplain Aide should be comfortable leading reflections (Rose-Buds-Thorns), grace before meals, etc.
  • Bugler should know the bugle calls or have ability to learn them.

Important appointed positions (self-nominated, confirmed by Scoutmaster and SPL): Instructor (1 or 2), Den Chief, Troop Guide (1 or 2), Outdoor Ethics Guide, Order of the Arrow Representative.

  • These positions require Scouts to be at least 1st Class and/or have the experience to work with younger Scouts.
  • Den Chief will miss part of meetings to work with Arrow of Light Scouts to teach them Scouting and leadership skills.
  • Troop Guide works with new Scout patrols to help them learn how the Troop operates. Ideally, the Den Chief transitions to Troop Guide when the AOLs cross over to the Troop.
  • Instructor teaches scouts one or more specific Scouting skills - should be proficient in one or more skill they can teach.
  • Outdoor Ethics Guide is in charge of Leave No Trace and Tread Lightly principles, and should work with younger scouts on related requirements for rank advancement.
  • OA Representative must also be an OA member.
Joshua Nixon, PhD (he/him/his)

Monday, November 4, 2024

Merit Badge Camp info

Merit Badge Camp is coming up this weekend (November 8-10) at Kiwanis Scout Camp.

To get the most out of it scouts are encouraged to start early.

The merit badges that will be offered are Citizenship in Society (required for Eagle), Public Speaking, Pioneering, and if there is time and interest Communications (required for Eagle). 

Scouts who have started any of these should bring their blue cards. Scouts who need a blue card can get one from Dr. Nixon tonight or at camp.

Citizenship in Society

This eagle-required badge involves safe, open discussions of the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and how these relate to scouting and to ethical leadership.  Scouts will learn about different identities and perspectives, respecting others’ beliefs, and creating an inclusive, welcoming culture both inside and outside of scouting.

For more information on this badge, see here.

If you are planning on taking this badge, there are a few things you can prepare ahead of time in order to complete the badge this weekend.  If you decide to take the badge when we get to camp, or don’t have time to spend on it this week, that’s fine.  These research tasks can be done after camp instead, and we can discuss them together and complete the badge requirements when you’re ready.

Have an understanding of these terms

  • Identities

  • Diversity

  • Equality

  • Equity

  • Discrimination

  • Inclusion

  • Ethical Leadership

  • Upstander

Ethical leadership: Choose an individual you feel has demonstrated positive leadership while having to make an ethical decision. (It could be someone in history, a family member, a teacher, a coach, a counselor, a clergy member, a Scoutmaster, etc.).  Be ready to explain what decision and/or options that leader had, why you believe they chose their final course of action, and the outcome of that action.

DEI champion: Identify and interview an individual in your community, school, and/or Scouting who has had a significant positive impact in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. If you feel your community, school, or local Scouting group does not have such an individual, then research a historical figure who meets these criteria.  Discover what inspired the individual, learn about the challenges they faced, and share what you feel attributed to their success.

Inclusive event: With the help of your parent or guardian, study an event that had a positive outcome on how society viewed a group of people and made them feel more welcome. Be ready to describe the event and what you learned.

Public Speaking
  • For Public Speaking, Scouts should review the requirements in the workbook (
  • Homework: Before camp, prepare talk and visual aids for Requirement 2. Use the worksheet or another document to pick a topic, prepare an outline, and practice an 8-10 minute speech for Requirement 4.
  • We'll do Requirements 1, 3, and 5 at camp. Scouts who prepare requirements 1 and 4 before camp can complete the badge provided they deliver both talks while at camp.

  • There is no homework as this is a hands-on badge.

Campout planning tonight | PLC next Monday

Hello Troop 1!

Merit Badge camp is this coming weekend. Tonight's meeting will focus on camp prep - menus, checking patrol boxes, and assigning responsibility for Grubmasters for our patrols. We currently have 5 adults and 8 scouts registered.

Merit badges offered include: Citizenship in Society, Public Speaking, and Pioneering. We'll send a separate email to all with information on the badges and requirements that will need to be done ahead of time or after camp.

There's still time to register for camp if you want to attend but have not yet signed up. Camp cost is $25.

As a reminder, the first meeting after a Troop camp is Patrol Leader's Council. The PLC will plan the next month of activities for the Troop. All scouts are welcome to attend the PLC on Monday November 11, but Patrol Leaders / Assistant Patrol Leader / Senior and Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders / Scribe are required to attend. If you hold one of these positions and cannot make the meeting, please make sure you have someone else stand in for you.

A side note: We do not yet officially have a Scribe. If no one steps up to take this role, the ASPLs will be required to fill Scribe role for the meeting. Please consider becoming Troop Scribe. Your responsibility is to take notes during the PLC and communicate these notes back to the Scoutmaster for distribution to the Troop.

See you tonight!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Upcoming Camps and Meetings

Hello all - your Patrol Leader's Council met yesterday and planned the next month of meetings. We also have sign-ups available for camp weekends through February. The PLC also discussed the need for better pre-camp planning based on feedback from last weekend's camp.


Monday October 14: "Don't Be Columbus" day. Who wants to be famous for being utterly lost? Not Scouts! We'll work on map and compass skills. Bring a compass (if you have one) and a headlamp or flashlight, and dress for the weather. Older Scouts should be prepared to take bearings and map out a course outdoors, while younger scouts learn the skills needed to navigate the course.

Monday October 21: "Totin' Chip" day. Let's learn about safety when using knives, axes, and saws! Bring a pocketknife and materials to sharpen a knife, saw, or axe (sharpening stone, metal file, etc, if you have one). Scouts will have a chance to earn their Totin' Chip or teach others using the E.D.G.E. method. Hopefully, we can remain focused on safety rather than First Aid!

Monday October 28: "Pumpkin Carving" day. Now that we can safely use knives, the PLC planned an evening of pre-Halloween fun! Bring a pumpkin (or other suitable vegetable) to carve into a jack-o-lantern. Please plan to bring your own carving tools, and newspaper or tarp to protect the floors and speed clean-up. If you like pumpkin seeds, make sure you have a container to bring them home for roasting!

Monday November 4: "Pre-Camp Planning" day. We'll be preparing for the Merit Badge Camp. Come to the meeting with your own menu plan - include one breakfast, one lunch, and one dinner - your patrol will vote on meals and pick a Grubmaster for the weekend. We'll also verify patrol boxes are complete and talk about the care (and restoration!) of cast iron cookware.


November 8-10: Merit Badge Camp, Kiwanis Scout Camp

We hope to offer some of the Citizenship merit badges, with alternate offerings for Scouts who have completed the Citizenship badges. This will be a busy weekend and will likely require some work outside of the weekend to earn some of the selected badges.

December 6-8: Board Game Camp, Stearns Scout Camp

A full weekend of your favorite board and tabletop games, in Tonkawa Lodge - the newest and fanciest Scout lodge in Minnesota. Bring your favorite games to share, and try games you've never played before. If you haven't been to Board Game Camp before, you don't want to miss it.

January 10-12, 2025: Snow Base, Tomahawk Scout Camp

Snow Base is booked and those who registered prior to October 1 are confirmed. Remember that your full payment for the weekend is due by December 15. If your Scout account can't cover the cost, you'll be contacted by the Treasurer to arrange payment. We may have opportunity for additional attendees (especially for Experience program) - if you are interested and missed the sign-up window, contact me!

February 7-9, 2025: Ski Camp, Trollhaugen/Fred C. Anderson Scout Camp

Join us for our annual trip to Trollhaugen, where we'll invite the Arrow of Light scouts from Pack 1 for a weekend of skiing and winter fun! This camp costs a little more than most due to lift ticket prices. Scouts will have the opportunity to work on Snow Sports Merit Badge (ski or snowboard option).

Joshua Nixon, PhD (he/him/his)

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Camp Planning Monday & Upcoming Camps

Hello Troop 1!

We have several camps planned for the next few months.

October 4-6: Back-to-the-Woods Camp, Rum River Scout Camp

It's not too late to register! This is an unstructured weekend camp at Rum River. Outdoor sleeping and cooking, advancement, and general fun. With a little luck, Scouts can work on Golf merit badge on the camp disc golf course (assuming my Golf counselor approval comes in time!) We're planning the menu at Monday's meeting. If you are going to camp and need to plan camp menus for advancement, this is your chance!

November: Merit Badge Camp - date and location TBD

Planning on either Nov 1-3 or 8-10, pending Patrol Leader's Council approval. Stay tuned for this one: We hope to offer some of the Citizenship merit badges, with alternate offerings for Scouts who have completed the Citizenship badges. If you have not provided your input on which badges we should consider, please fill out the form!

December 6-8: Board Game Camp, Stearns Scout Camp

A full weekend of your favorite board and tabletop games, in Tonkawa Lodge - the newest and fanciest Scout lodge in Minnesota. Bring your favorite games to share, and try games you've never played before. If you haven't been to Board Game Camp before, you don't want to miss it.

January: Snow Base - date TBD, Tomahawk Scout Camp

Council registration for Snow Base opens on October 1. We currently have 16 people who intend to go - that's an awesome group! If you'd like to join us, sleep in the snow, and generally have some winter fun, register now! If need be, we can send two crews on alternate weekends.

Last but not least - don't forget SKI CAMP in February! More details to come.