Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Camp Registrations

Hello Troop 1!

Your Patrol Leader's Council met last night and planned out meetings through early May. We have camps planned for April and May. We are also starting to prepare for Summer Camp at Tomahawk.

April 11-13: Back to the Woods Camp @ Stearns. We will be tent camping with the Melted Marshmallow Patrol. We will be cooking as patrols. This is an unstructured, do-what-you-wish campout. It's an excellent opportunity to focus on advancement or Merit Badge requirements!

May 9-11: Spring Camporee @ Phillippo. The theme for this year's Camporee is Scout Chef Showdown. Patrols, plan your best and most impressive camp meals! This is the time for your Dutch oven cooking skills to shine.

August 3-9: Summer Camp @ Tomahawk (Quapaw site, Sioux subcamp). If you've never been to Summer Camp with Troop 1, get registered - you don't want to miss it. Summer Camp is the highlight of the summer for most Scouts! This is your best chance to complete a lot of Merit Badges and get a jump start on advancement towards your next rank.

Summer Camp registration should be completed as soon as possible. Many programs and activities fill up fast, especially those for older scouts. Submit your registration form now, so that Troop leadership can get you registered as soon as programs open up.

Remember, sign up forms for all Troop 1 camps can always be found on the Troop website at https://www.troop1mn.org/events/register-for-camp

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Snow Day - Service Opportunities

Hello Troop 1!

Even at the end of winter there is something magical about waking up to a world transformed by fresh snow. The snow is also an opportunity to be a good Scout.

I was late to work today because I took this opportunity. I stopped to help a group of complete strangers push a car out of a snowbank. My reward is knowing that I did something small to make someone else's day just a little better. It didn't take much of my time, and it made me feel good to help.

Whether you are doing a snow day, or school from home, think about how you might make someone else's day just a little bit better today. That's what Troop 1 is about.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Camp Planning tomorrow!

Hello Scouts!

Many, many thanks to those of you who turned out to help this weekend with the Pancake Breakfast and Eagle Project! For those who helped Finn on Saturday, an extra special thanks from me, as I was unable to make it. You are all awesome and I am glad each of you is part of the Troop!

Monday night we will be planning for camp. This coming weekend is Cooking Camp at Phillippo. If you have not yet signed up, there is still time! See links below. We're happy to have a few Melted Marshmallows joining us for the weekend. Weather looks to be great for camping!

March 7-9: Cooking Camp @ Phillippo. Troop 1 will camp as patrols in the Gwin cabins. Scouts will work on camp cooking using patrol boxes, camp stoves, Dutch ovens, etc. Campers will be able to start/continue Cooking merit badge or work on cooking requirements for 1st Class.

April 11-13, 2025: Back to the Woods Camp @ Stearns. This is an intentionally unstructured camp weekend. Activity plans and meal planning is up to the Scouts - either activities by patrol, or as a group. Scouts should plan to cook outdoors and sleep in tents. We will have Deckenbach shelter available but this is a single-room cabin with no amenities.

Remember, Troop camp registrations can always be found at https://www.troop1mn.org/events/register-for-camp

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Eagle Project Help, Saturday March 1


Hello Troop 1! Forwarding a message from Finn:

Hey Troop 1 it’s Finn N, as I said last night I would love your help at my Eagle Scout project of building cat scratchers this weekend on Saturday March 1st at the church (MUMC). I’m going to have two shifts from 9-11 AM (morning shift) and 1-3 PM (afternoon shift), with 9-11 being assembly of the scratcher and 1-3 being sanding the sides of the scratcher and clean up. On the morning shift if you are able to bring a hammer, an electric sander, and you might want work gloves. If you had to only sign up for one shift then please sign up for the morning shift, 9-11, because if enough people (15 or so) are able to sign up we might not need to do much or any at all in the afternoon. If we don’t get enough people in the morning then in the after noon you would want to also have work gloves and just in case we still need to put some together, If you are able to bring a hammer and a  electric sander sanding. I will bring snacks for everyone who can help!

Thank you!

Sign up to help at this link.

If you are able to help, please do! Remember, helping with an Eagle project counts as service hours.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Communications Merit Badge tonight | Service and Fundraising this weekend

Hello Troop 1!


The Troop is working on Communication Merit Badge. For those who have not yet earned this badge, please come ready to take part in the discussion. Mr. Towle has asked that you review the requirements prior to the meeting. For those who have done work on this in the past, remember to bring your blue card.

For Scouts who worked on Snow Sports MB at Trollhaugen: Please bring your blue cards tonight so that I can sign off on that Merit Badge as well!


Need some service hours? Finn is looking for help with his Eagle Project on Saturday March 1. He is confirming location and will send an invitation out tomorrow. Tentatively looking for support from 9-11AM and 1-3PM Saturday.

Have you signed up to help with the Pancake Breakfast? Sunday March 2, we need all hands on deck to help make it a success! If you have not signed up for a shift yet, please do so ASAP! Here is the link to sign up for a shift.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

5 mile hike Sunday!

Hello Scouts - Philmont crew 716-L is holding a 5 mile training hike this weekend. All are welcome!

Meet at Minnehaha United Methodist, 2PM Sunday February 23.

For Scouts working on Hiking merit badge, you need to come ready with a planned route.

See you there!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Meeting tonight!

A reminder - Troop meeting tonight, 6:30 PM, Minnehaha United Methodist Church!

Order of the Arrow elections will be held at 7PM during the meeting.